Reading about the LoveBronwyn’s story
Binnie’s story
The cultural history of carrying babies
Finding the carrier that suits you and your baby or toddler (longer version)
Finding the carrier that suits you and your baby or toddler
The benefits, joys, and ease of carrying babies
Varieties of slings and carriers
Looking back on Aware Parenting after 10 years
Babies Have Real Feelings!
In Celebration of My Mum and Dad
Aware Parenting The Second Time Around
Aware Parenting and community support
Connecting with other like-minded parents
Saying “No”
Setting loving limits
Embracing joy as well as sadness in our babies and children
Connection is the Key to Aware Parenting – Bring on the laughter play
More cooperation through more fun
Connection, loving limits and laughter play with our children
Our own control patterns
Sometimes it takes a while to get it…
There’s no hiding from our consciousness as a parent
Nourishing ourselves as mothers
Learning to be more present and empathic to ourselves and our children
The Sweet Spot and Loving Limits for Parents
Laughter play for parents about our control patterns
Aware Parenting Ourselves – Control Patterns and Loving Limits
The Invitation of Aware Parenting – How our babies and children help us to flourish
We as parents grow through practising Aware Parenting
Presence, eye contact and crying
Bring your presence to your child’s tension
Present Time
Soul to Soul connection with Our Children
Awareness, Presence and Connection – the Basics of AwP
Secure attachment for our baby and sleep; we can have it all!
Crying – about the present or the past?
Learning Aware Parenting is like learning a new language
How Aware Parenting helps children get ready in the morning
Dad listening to his baby crying in his arms
Nurturing Presence in Babies and Children – The Aware Parenting Approach
How long does it take to “catch up” on crying?
Some suggestions about listening to my feelings?
Crying in the car-seat – expressing an immediate need, or pent-up feelings?
“Do toddlers need to be held whilst they cry?” – moving from crying-in-arms to setting loving limits
The development of our own control patterns
Aware Parenting, development of the self, and repression
Trust, natural learning and control patterns
Understanding and accepting control patterns before letting them go
Control Patterns discussion with Chiara Rossetti
Are control patterns inevitable?
Two ways of responding to our child’s cps – seeing the reflection; and finding the sweet spot
My baby won’t cry with me – what shall I do?
Aware Parenting Interview with Hilary from Mother and Luxe
Three Steps Back Home
The Dual Nature of Parenting
Becoming Less Divided and More Whole
How Can We Evolve with the Help of the Internet?
Healing Through Feeling
You Really Can Get Your Needs Met
Do You Stop Yourself Being All That You Can Be?
Awareness and Will
The Times They are A-Changin’
Read moreSo many of us as women turn to food to avoid feeling our feelings. I wonder whether you ever do?
Do You Eat to Avoid Your Feelings?
Read moreI wonder if the title caught your attention. It came to me this week. I know that when I am aligned, when I’m caring for myself, when I’m deeply connected with my children and they are deeply connected to themselves, life is heaven. There is love, there is joy, there is a wonder in being alive.
Mothering Heaven and Hell
Read morePlaying feels fun, liberating and joyful, AND many of the games that we play with our children have effects far beyond connecting and having fun.
Attachment Play
Read moreTwo-and-a-half year old A and her twin brother had been scared of dogs for a while.
An Hour of Laughter Heals a Child’s Fear of Dogs
Read moreOne of the many things I love about Aware Parenting is that it can make breast-feeding even more wonderful for mother and baby.
How Aware Parenting Can Make Breastfeeding Even More Enjoyable for Baby and Mother
Read moreFor more years than I can count, I had longed to be adored. Yet with each relationship I had with a man, the initial adoration had very quickly shifted into something else.
Are You Willing to Be Adored?
Read moreI love beauty! I love having beautiful toys for my children, having a beautiful home, and beautiful clothes.
The Power of Beauty
Read moreLike many women, I have had an interesting relationship with power, and finding my own feminine power and authority.
The Myth of Losing Power as Women
Read moreI remember the day clearly. My son was two and a half, and my daughter was seven. I had pictures of them on my website looking joyful and calm. I was full of happiness about how I was being as a mother.
Not Letting Ourselves Shine
Read moreI’m passionate about celebrating women, and our bodies, and all the gifts we have to give.
Evolving as a woman
Read moreIt has become somewhat of a cliche nowadays to talk about the importance of being consciously aware of death in order to fully live. However, there is undoubted truth that we are all mortal beings, and that knowing this in our bones gives us impetus to seize each day with gentle hands.
Life and death
Read moreI’m forever grateful to my dad for telling me about his deja-vu and synchronistic experiences. It was a kind of joke in our family; as he would repeat his experiences over and over again.
The Interconnectedness of all things
Read moreFor the last three years, I have been wanting to shine more.
Our brightness and our darkness
Read moreHow are you with your feelings? Do you feel them bubbling in your body? Do you cry much? Laugh out loud? Are you happy with your relationship with your feelings?
To feel or not to feel? That is the question.
Read moreAs babies, we are born with the natural ability to flow from state to state – from curiosity to wonder to amazement, to frustration to overwhelm to confusion, to surprise to fear to sadness to grief to joy, and back to curiosity. Babies simply flow from one state to another, fully, with their bodies.
Most of us adults have learnt to constrict natural movement. Dulled down and frozen from the extremes, we stop feelings when they get too joyful or curious or playful or scary or grief-filled.
Feelings, desires and aliveness
Read moreSometimes we are deeply connected with our feelings, needs, and desires, and sometimes we prevent ourselves from being connected with our feelings, needs and desires. And sometimes the two can look quite similar.
Desire, or disconnection?
Read moreIf we repeatedly decide what to do based on what we think we “should” do, or what we believe will take us a step further, we miss out on those magical moments when we follow a whim or a desire and find out later that that was a central piece of the next step of our lives.