
Awareness and Will

Dec 7, 2014 | Love your Life | 0 comments

 I’m on a roll and so enjoying getting up really early, writing and creating, whilst listening to inspiring music.

I wanted to share with you what has helped me make that shift – from someone who has virtually never got out of bed early, to someone who happily jumps out of bed at first light. 

It’s all about will.

If you’re like me and have spent lots of years working on creating more awareness, doing lots of healing and expressing feelings, getting conscious of patterns and processes, you might resonate.  

We can make lots of changes on the level of belief and emotions, but what brings those changes fully into our lives are the day to day choices we make.  And these choices are about all kinds of things.  What we eat.  How we treat our bodies.  How we talk to our children and partners.  The habitual feeling moods that we find ourselves in.

So many times I’ve done an emotional process, had a realisation, but kept on with the old way when the time for choice comes in my life.

I’ve realised that particularly with people like me, we need to practice using our will.  Practice making choices in alignment with our intentions.

That might be choosing to say no to eating sugar because you know it doesn’t help your own particular body, and you’ve already done the emotional work; you already know the feelings you’re repressing and the beliefs that underly this.  Then it comes down to the choice in the moment.  When you get tempted to buy a bar of chocolate, will you say no?  And if you say yes, will you remain compassionate and know that you can make a new choice next time?

This is what I’ve been doing with waking up in the morning.  I want to complete this Launch a Little Course I’ve been participating in, and I’ve been wanting to actually start putting my own courses out into the world, and I am simply not willing to settle for less any more.  I’m not willing to tell myself that I don’t have time, or that my children will suffer if I do.  I’m simply willing to get up early.  And the funny thing is that this has become a great joy.  No longer is waking up early a hardship; it’s a joy.  I feel energised, interested, and alive.

This relates to how we are with our children too.  I’ve been realising I have slipped into some habitual ‘grumpiness’ with my kids lately.  I’ve done the emotional and belief processing, I know what it’s about, and like the course thing, I’m just not willing to do it any more. 

We really do have choice, and it’s our will that makes the choices.  This isn’t about wilfulness, it’s about willingness.  Wilfulness has a harsh and driving quality.  It’s not connected to our hearts.  We can make ourselves do something, but it doesn’t have an aligned quality.  Our will is connected with the deeper Self, or ‘I’.  Our I has the qualities of awareness and will – and we need both.  Awareness without will is ineffective. Will without awareness is blind.

Those of you who’ve had sessions with me lately will notice this!  I’m wanting to balance helping you bring more awareness to what is going on with then going out and acting in alignment with this.  

So, if you’re wanting to stop reacting harshly to your child, ignoring your needs, or stopping yourself from sharing your gifts with the world, by all means do the emotional processing.  Find out why, and have a cry.  And then, once you’ve done that, you are free to set a loving limit with your old behaviours, and instead, feel compassionate with yourself and your child, nourish yourself, and share those amazing and unique gifts that you have.

I’d love to hear if this resonates with you.

Much love,
