
Trusting what we want

I’m love trusting the ebbs and flows of life….

Like you, I have many interests, activities and things to do in my life.

I am a homeschooling single mum of two children; I love to write articles and books; I make my own website; I offer consultations and sessions for parents; I travel around Australia running workshops; my mum lives in a granny flat in the garden; I love to dance; I love walking up to the lighthouse; We have a puppy.

All these activities enrich each other…… when walking on the beach new articles come to me …. reading novels gives me surprising information about the next step in my journey ….. playing with my children I experience joy and have ideas about things that I can offer other parents…

Each aspect of our lives can enrich other aspects of our lives….

When I trust what is alive for me in the moment…. I’m playing a game with my children ….. today is the day to paint my mum’s house…. and tonight I’m catching up with my emails… this moment is for reading a book… now I’m offering my children this learning project ….. this is the moment for doing the next part of my course….

I have no way of knowing how doing I we love in that moment contributes to other things.  So, when it is really alive for me to write my articles or my book; then that is the most helpful thing to do.

I often remember about Steve Jobs going to classes to learn about fonts just because he was interested in them.  If he had thought to himself, “why would this ever be helpful to me in my life?” he might never have gone to those classes.  But he went because he was called to do so from an inner compass, and fonts became a vital part of his creative offerings to the world.

If we repeatedly decide what to do based on what we think we “should” do, or what we believe will take us a step further, we miss out on those magical moments when we follow a whim or a desire and find out later that that was a central piece of the next step of our lives.

How does your life look when you follow those impulses, desires, and off-beat promptings?  The thought, “pop into the library” might lead to a book that gives you a new way of looking at your life; the desire to go on a course might mean meeting someone who becomes a life-long friend; the longing to go on trip to a part of the world you haven’t seen before might lead to events that open up a new career in your life.  Trusting ourselves in these ways means trusting that we are connected to something larger than us, and inter-connected with other in mysterious ways…..  in trusting ourselves, we invite magic into our lives.

Are you willing to trust these inner promptings, desires, and callings?