Do you like me?

Hello! How are you? My letter to you today isn’t about parenting, it’s about core beliefs. I’ve had a costly month! My can broke down in the middle of nowhere and needed to be towed to a garage, and expensively fixed. My little dog Feather had been...

Just Do It!

Hello! I wanted to share with you what has helped me make that shift – from someone who has virtually never got out of bed early, to someone who happily jumps out of bed at first light. It’s all about will. If you’re like me and have spent lots of...

The Times They Are A Changing

Hello! This title came to me as I was getting out of bed this morning.  I didn’t even know the Bob Dylan song (I’m listening to it as I write to you!), but I certainly knew the title, and it seems so apt to me.  I see that the times really are...

Honouring Ourselves as Mothers

Hello again! I’m listening to The Pretenders’ Hymn to Her as I write, which seems apt! I feel a deep sense of excitement in offering my Love Being a Mother online course to you. It feels so deeply connected to why I’m here and what I’m doing on...