Hello again!

I just went for my early morning walk with my french bulldog Feather, wanting some inspiration for what to write to you today.

As I was walking back to my house, an area of beautiful pink cloudy sky showed itself. And then, in the next moment, a hot air balloon came into my sight there.

And I felt a surge of joy and happiness.

It hasn’t always been that way.  

The first time that hot air balloons became meaningful for me was a few years ago when I was exploring old beliefs about sharing my gifts with the world. 

I’d just had a facilitating session about it all, and then I heard that specific noise that hot air balloons make – like the breathing of a massive creature.

I love seeing that Life is constantly in a conversation with us.

And at the moment, it seemed to be saying, “Are you full of hot air?” (in other words, will I actually do what I say I’m going to do).

Life seems to speak in metaphors; it speaks to us not in ‘thinky’ ways, but the way of poetry, of the heart. We need to let go of thinking in order to receive those messages.

And often, the answer to that question, has been that I have been full of hot air.

The old beliefs that I carried stopped me, again and again, from getting out into the world and doing what I said I’d do. 

Sometimes that might mean about other areas of my life, such as parenting, or exercise, or my relationships.

But this morning, I saw the hot air balloon, and my feeling answer in response to Life was joy, and the answer was, “No, this time I’m not full of hot air.  I am actually doing what I said I’d do.”

There are many things that have helped me get there:

~ the pain of being full of hot air;

~ inner belief shifts about what happen when I share my gifts with the world;

~ belief shifts about being willing to receive support;

~ support to change from supportive groups of women and a mentor;

~ learning practical skills, like making websites and online courses;

~ making practical changes in my life, like getting up early (and the only reason I’m doing that is because I was inspired by, and shown that I could change by my mentor.)

So, my questions to you are:

* How does Life talk to you?

* Are you willing to listen?

* Is Life telling you something right now in your life?

* Are you willing to receive the support, inspiration and practical knowledge to take this next step?

Our life is so interconnected. Making this change in this part of my life has had a profound effect on all other parts of my life, particularly my parenting. I’ll tell you more about that in another email!

So much of all this is about our relationship with our inner feminine and inner masculine and whether they are in a marriage of being and doing, and to power, powerlessness, and power-over.  I’ll also share more with you about that another time!

And as always, I so love hearing from you.  Perhaps you’d like to tell me how Life is speaking to you at the moment?

Sending you loads of love,

Marion xxx