
Present Time


I wonder if you read my letter on Present Time a while ago?

Perhaps you even joined the Facebook group that I set up for a Present Time Masterclass.

You can read the letter here.

The Facebook group is here.
How are you finding Present Time?

Are you noticing any differences for you, or for your children?

I’d love to share a few of my experiences.

1.   I get to do things that are a bit outside my comfort zone, and I find that I enjoy them!

My son has been asking to play in the pool for most of his Present Times recently. The water is getting a bit cooler, and I would generally only go in if it is sunny, or otherwise I’d just stay in for a short time.

But because it’s PT, I’ve been going in.

I can play with my edges, for example, sometimes I stand at the end and say things like, “I’m scared; I think it’s going to be cold!” and “Do I really need to jump in!?” and of course he says “yes!” and loves it!

I get to play on the edge of my sweet spot, and he gets to be the one who chooses what happens!

I get to find out that I actually can stay in even if it’s a bit cold, and I feel connected with him, and he gets to feel connected with me and powerful. It brings gifts for both of us!

2. It provides a clear space for what needs to emerge to emerge.

We usually think of this in terms of the uncomfortable feelings that our children are sitting on, that PT allows out.

However, it can also be other things. It can be our uncomfortable feelings, but it can also be other information.

For example, in one Present Time last week, I suddenly received an inspiration about how to bypass a technical issue I was having with my Love Being a Mother Course.

The time container of PT, plus the open space, allows inspiration, feelings, intuition, and connection to emerge.

3. It creates a container for choice. What do I mean by that?

Well, when I agree to Present Time, I know that within that container, I am letting go of my self-sovereignty.
I am willing to be led.
I am willing to do what my children tell me to do.
I put myself in the position of follower.
So, then, when they ask me to do things, I have an easy “yes”, because I have already agreed to this.
I’ve left my need for autonomy at the door of Present Time.
I am willing to be in service of my child/teen.

And  that makes all the difference.

I notice the subtle internal sensations when they ask me to do something in PT, and when they ask me to do something that isn’t in PT.

For example, once my son asked me to cook a second dinner straight after the first one (he was still hungry) for PT.

I had no hesitation, no internal wrangling, no need to consider whether that might meet my needs too.

I simply, freely, without hesitation, made the second dinner! (I think that was one of the most unusual PT requests I’ve received!)

Present Time creates a container for choice.

And our children feel the difference when we give with that kind of quality.

I liken it to giving to them in the first few years of their lives.

It has that different quality of unquestioning giving.

Present Time is a marriage of masculine and feminine qualities. The  time limit and the agreements create the safe container. The freedom of choice within that allows the unknown to emerge and become known.

The container allows us to surrender to something more, to connection, to service, and to unconditional love.

And please, if you aren’t doing PT, or would like to but just don’t seem to be able to, I wonder if you’d send some self-compassion your way.
I have gone through phases of not doing any PT for months and months and months and months!

The key is always an internal one. It’s usually because I’m feeling unfulfilled, flat or fed up myself. I’m not creating my own inner balance of masculine and feminine.

AND, PT, like any practice, gets easier if we do it regularly. If we write it in the diary. Once we start doing it, we see the gifts for both of us, and it gets easier to keep doing it.

AND, I want to remind you, that even if you spend all day with your child, and are offering them connection all the time, that something different happens with PT. 

Alchemical Magic happens.

I’d love to hear how you are getting on. I’d love to know what your most unusual PT request was!

Sending you much love,
Marion xxx