My work is about helping mothers shift from power-over and powerlessness to willingness and true power,


and from separation and self-judgment to a deep sense of belonging and self-compassion that radiates out to others.


In our culture, the power has been in the hands of a few families and corporations. The power-over paradigm gets passed down in those families and corporations.


Those with more power used their power over others, and the children’s powerlessness meant they often grew up to resort to power-over others, and the workers’ powerlessness meant they used power-over when they moved higher up in the corporation.


This paradigm of power-over and separation and wrongness is encoded into our Western culture, through coercion, punishment, guilt and shame, judgment and comparison.


Beliefs that we are separate are peddled so that we believe we are separate from the earth, from nature and from each other and from our own true loving nature.


But there are so many of us realising that this isn’t who we really are.


We are not powerless and there is nothing wrong with us.


We are profoundly interconnected with the Source of true power, and we are profoundly interconnected with each other and all of Life.


Our true nature is Love and Will.


As we release our cultural conditioning and our Will-Hurts and Love-Hurts, we become more and more connected to our true loving and powerful nature.


I call this Love and Will.


And I have tangible practices and processes for each of these.


To help ourselves know ourselves as love, I have the Inner Loving Crew practice and the Inner Loving Presence Process, part of my Inner Loving Presence Process course.


To help us reclaim our true power-with, I have The Willingness Practice and Conversations with Life.


There’s also Psychospiritual Parenting and Psychospiritual Entrepreneurship, which are all based around lovingness and willingness, uniqueness and interconnectedness.


My Inner Loving Presence Process Course starting is all about developing deep inner compassion for all parts of ourselves, including younger parts of us who have feelings that need to be heard.