
The Teapot and Teacup of Love

I believe that Love is all around us; is literally pouring on us.


But we don’t generally perceive that, mostly because of the cultural and familial perceptions and inner dialogue that we’ve internalised.


All the harsh inner dialogue is just a cultural construct.


The guilt, the comparison, the judgment, the shame; they are all cultural constructs that we grow up with an internalise.


As a metaphor, there’s a teapot of love pouring love down upon us, but our teacup may have quite a lot of thoughts like,


“I have to be perfect to be loved


I can only be loved if I act in a certain way


I can’t be loved whilst I’m feeling angry/sad/any feeling


I’ve done something wrong


I don’t deserve love


I have to do something to be loved


I need to be like someone else to be loved.”


As you read these, you can probably see that most of these come from old-fashioned parenting paradigms.


If, as a child, we were sent to our room (ie. love was withdrawn) when we were sad or frustrated or crying or tantrumming or whatever it was, we would have eventually internalised that we couldn’t receive love if we were feeling that feeling or doing that thing.


All these things in our teacup affect our capacity to receive love.


What I love about The Inner Loving Mother practice, is that WHATEVER APPEARS TO BE IN THE WAY IS THE WAY.


Unlike affirmations, if when you hear the words, “I love you exactly as you are,”


You dissociate, or don’t believe it, or can feel energetically that you’re not letting that in,


The next step is to LISTEN to those parts of you.


They are literally the little children parts of you who experienced the opposite of that.


Their voices need to be heard and loved.


So, if you have the thought, “I don’t believe you,”


Inner Loving Mother can respond,


“I hear that you don’t believe me sweetheart, and you don’t need to believe me. I’m here and I’m listening. Would you like to tell me more? I love you exactly as you are.”


When the light of LOVE is shone, all that we learnt to believe about not being loved or loveable comes up to be heard and healed.


The hurt, the anger, the disbelief – when we unconditionally LOVE those little inner children, they get to be heard and those feelings get to be released.


That’s like emptying the teacup.


And the more the teacup is emptied of those hurts, the more space there is in the teacup.


And when there’s more space in the teacup, we have more availability to let in the love.


And the more we can let in the love, the more our teacup can be full of love.


The more we can receive love from our Inner Loving Crew, the more we can receive love from others.


And the more our teacup is full of love, the more that unconditional love pours out to others.


Our teacup of love becomes overflowing.


My Inner Loving Presence Process Course is HERE.