
We Don’t Become More Loving by Judging Ourselves

Such a strange and old-fashioned idea, isn’t it, that we will become more loving by judging ourselves and feeling guilty when we don’t feel loving.


Has feeling guilty or judging yourself when you don’t feel loving ever helped you feel more loving?


I’m passionate about inspiring, supporting and facilitating mothers in getting free from guilt and gradually replace the internalised guilt and self-punishment with deep self-compassion.


I know it’s possible, because I’ve taken the journey myself.


If you’d like to develop relationships with your own Inner Loving Crew, in ways that lead to tangible changes in your self-dialogue, your self-relationship and your actions, I invite you to come and look at the taster of my Inner Loving Presence Process Course.


Inner Loving Presence Process FREE Taster.


Inner Loving Presence Process Course.