Present Time
Hello! I wonder if you read my letter on Present Time a while ago? Perhaps you even joined the Facebook group that I set up for a Present Time Masterclass. You can read the letter here. The Facebook group is here. How are you finding Present Time? Are you noticing any...Present Time is Magic Time!
Hello! How are you? I’ve been remembering how magic Present Time is. Why is Present Time Magic Time? Our children get a regular dose of the things that children need the most: 1. Deep Connection; 2. Choice; 3. A sense of power in their world; 4. Healing from the...How Are You Getting Along with Present Time?
Hello! I wonder if you read my letter on Present Time a while ago? Perhaps you even joined the Facebook group that I set up for a Present Time Masterclass. You can read the letter here. The Facebook group is here. How are you finding Present Time? Are you noticing any...Do You Feel Deeply Connected with Your Child/ren?
Hello! How are you? Isn’t it wonderful when we feel deeply connected with our children? When I feel that deep connection, that love, that adoration, that being-in-love, the whole world looks bright, there’s a spring in my step, and daily life is a delight....Read moreIt was my son’s 9th birthday this week, and I’d love to share a few insights and learnings I’ve had about birthdays!