Transforming jealousy into willingness with The Marion Method

Transforming jealousy into willingness with The Marion Method

Since I’m creating a free into to The Marion Method and then opening my Marion Method Mentoring Training, I thought I would share some practical examples of how we can use the MM. This one is about transforming jealousy without spiritual bypassing nor repression of...
My Journey with Will

My Journey with Will

  I’d love to tell you a bit about my journey with Will – sacred power. I wonder if you resonate, particularly if you’re a mother.   I used to feel deeply uncomfortable saying, “no” to anyone’s requests. So I’d say, “yes,” and end up depleted or...
Reclaiming our sacred power as mothers

Reclaiming our sacred power as mothers

  Did you know that the following are all linked:   Your capacity and comfortableness at speaking a clear and calm, “no.”   Your sense of energy and aliveness in your body;   Your ability to take action in a way that brings flow and fulfilment;...
My journey of reclaiming my power

My journey of reclaiming my power

      My journey with reclaiming my power: Freeing myself from the domination system through pregnancy, birth, parenting, learning and following my calling.   As a child and teenager, I was deeply quiet, trembly and introverted.   I also had,...