by Marion Rose | Oct 2, 2020 | Compassion, Feelings, Feelings, Inner Loving Mother, jealousy, Love and Will, My paradigm, The Marion Method, The Willingness Practice, Will, Willingness
Since I’m creating a free into to The Marion Method and then opening my Marion Method Mentoring Training, I thought I would share some practical examples of how we can use the MM. This one is about transforming jealousy without spiritual bypassing nor repression of...
by Marion Rose | Oct 2, 2020 | Compassion, Connected Crying, Consciousness, Feelings, Inner Loving Mother, ReParenting, Self-Compassion for Parents, Tantrums
Hello dear friends! Here is the first video of many in my new video series! I would love for LOTS of people to watch it and really enjoy it, so if you enjoy it, would you be willing to share it? xoxo You can watch the video version here. You can listen to the podcast...
by Marion Rose | Jun 17, 2020 | Babies, Birthing, Conversation with Life, Messages from Life, Unassisted birth
How an ink blot helped me transform the direction of my life, and how that relates to trusting the timings around the birthing of the Room: Have you ever been faced with a decision, and at that moment, Life has responded in ways that helped you see clearly...
by Marion Rose | Apr 30, 2020 | Colonised, Conditioning, Decolonisation, Domination Culture, Evolving Through Parenting, Healing From the Past, Love and Will, Neo No, Outrage, Power and Powerlessness in Parenting, Power-with in Parenting, Psychospiritual Development, Rage, Repression, Social Change, The Willingness Practice, Transformation Through Mothering, Unwillingness, Will, Willingness
I’d love to tell you a bit about my journey with Will – sacred power. I wonder if you resonate, particularly if you’re a mother. I used to feel deeply uncomfortable saying, “no” to anyone’s requests. So I’d say, “yes,” and end up depleted or...
by Marion Rose | Apr 29, 2020 | Aggression, Colonised, Conditioning, Culture, Decolonisation, Domination Culture, Evolving Through Parenting, Get Free From Guilt, Neo No, Outrage, Power and Powerlessness in Parenting, Power-with in Parenting, Psychospiritual Development, Social Change, Tantrums, The Willingness Practice, Unwillingness, Will, Willingness
Did you know that the following are all linked: Your capacity and comfortableness at speaking a clear and calm, “no.” Your sense of energy and aliveness in your body; Your ability to take action in a way that brings flow and fulfilment;...
by Marion Rose | Apr 27, 2020 | Aware Parenting, Aware Parenting and Sleep, Aware Parenting for ourselves, Birthing, Choice, Claim Your Feminine Power, Colonised, Conditioning, Consciousness, Culture, Decolonisation, Domination Culture, Evolving as an Aware Parent, Evolving Through Parenting, Get Free From Guilt, Healing From the Past, Honouring Mothers, Inner Loving Presence Process, Love and Will, My Aware Parenting Experiences and Musings, Neo No, Non-violent Communication, Outrage, Parenting Paradigm, Power and Powerlessness in Parenting, Psychospiritual Development, Psychospiritual Parenting, Psychosynthesis, Purpose, Rage, Respond Lovingly to Your Calling, Sharing Your Gifts with The World, Social Change, Tantrums, Tantrums, The Marion Method, The Willingness Practice, Transformation Through Mothering, Unassisted birth, Valuing Mothering, Will, Willingness
My journey with reclaiming my power: Freeing myself from the domination system through pregnancy, birth, parenting, learning and following my calling. As a child and teenager, I was deeply quiet, trembly and introverted. I also had,...