
Transforming jealousy into willingness with The Marion Method

Since I’m creating a free into to The Marion Method and then opening my Marion Method Mentoring Training, I thought I would share some practical examples of how we can use the MM.

This one is about transforming jealousy without spiritual bypassing nor repression of the sublime.

The Marion Method work always starts with Love.

So, we can meet the jealousy with loving compassion.

That compassion might be from someone else who has the capacity to lovingly and willingly listen to us,

or, if you’re familiar with The Marion Method and have already connected with one or more of your Inner Loving Presences, then they can listen, either in consciousness, or with the two-column technique –

which involves you writing down your thoughts, feelings and needs, and your Inner Loving Mother, Inner Loving Father, Inner Best Friend or Inner Beloved responding.

That might look something like this:

Us: I feel really jealous when I see her doing that / receiving that / having that / enjoying that.

Inner Loving Mother: I hear how jealous you feel, sweetheart, when you see her. I’m here. I’m listening. Would you like to tell me more?

Us: Yes, I really want to be living my life like that. It’s not fair.

ILM: I so hear how much you want to be living your life like that, sweetheart. It’s really not fair. You really want to live your life like that.

Us: Yes, I so want that. I want that experience. I really want that experience.

ILM: My lovely darling, I really deeply hear how much you want that experience. You really want to experience what she is experiencing.


ILM: I so understand how much! I’m here! I’m listening. I love hearing how much you want to experience that!


Once we are really clear about what we really want, and have received empathy to the point of a sigh of relief of being heard, then we can move to the Willingness.

(Generally, this is the way with The Marion Method – first Love, then Will.)

So, then we can go through The Willingness Practice around what we really want.

Again, we can do that with an outer loving willing listener, or in our consciousness, or on paper.

Q: What do you really want?

A: I really want xyz.

Q: Are you really willing to have/do/be that?

The answer comes from our whole body, not just our mind, not just a ‘thinky’ answer. We might WANT something, but willingness is a full-body experience.

Often, if we are jealous, it tells us that we haven’t yet been willing to have, do or be that, so the answer will often be either a “thinky yes” or a “no.”

Then we go through the next steps of The Willingness Practice, which means first loving (of course) all the parts of us that are not yet willing, and including the opposite of them on our Willingness Wall.

Often, when we’ve given love to all the parts, all the needs, all the values, we come to willingness.

Sometimes we might need to go back to younger parts of us with The Inner Loving Presence Process.

And sometimes we are simply not yet willing.

Even knowing that we are not yet willing makes all the difference – when we see that person, having/doing/being what we want, we can see that as an invitation to remember that we are not yet quite wiling to have/do/be that.

And if we ARE willing, then we will feel it in our body. We will feel the joy, the wonder, the delight of our willingness.

We might feel called to take action from this willingness, we might feel called to listen to Messages from Life about our next steps, or we might just keep choosing to stay connected with our willingness.

When we meet jealousy in this way, with Lovingness and then The Willingness Practice, it’s a way in to our desires our true willingness, and our generative power.

If you resonate, I’m going to be sharing my Free Intro to The Marion Method soon.

And if you’re already familiar with my work, as part of The Marion Method Mentoring Training, I will also be running live rounds of my key courses, which are prerequisites of the Training, such as The Wonder of Willingness Course and The Inner Loving Presence Process Course.

Big love xoxo