
Would you like help to be more present with your child?


If you’ve been following my work for a while, you’ll know that my website and forum used to be called “Parenting with Presence.”

I am passionate about the power of presence.


Our children thrive on presence. They invite it. They look for it. They long for it.

Look in their eyes and we can see their presence, shining out, looking to be met.


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But of course, we have lots of things to do in our lives, like caring for our home, relationship, friends, cooking, washing, cleaning, creative projects, and work.

And of course, our own feelings sometimes get in the way of being present – when we’re feeling worried or overwhelmed or stressed, it can be really hard to be present with our children.

And that’s why intentional shorter periods of presence can be so effective.


Rather than trying to be 100% present with our children for all their waking hours, giving them shorter blocks of deeply present time can really help them fill up their connection cup and help us fall in love with them all over again!

And that’s the power of Present Time!

And I’m really glad that I’m running another live round of my Powerful Present Time practice, because Present Time has become sporadic again in our home, and doing my own courses helps me be the Mother I want to be!

I find reminders so helpful!


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I call it a practice, a preventative and a problem-solver!

If you want to join up for this free 4 day course, you can do that by clicking on the image below.


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I’ve updated it all and added a pdf reminder sheet to it, for those reminders!


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If it calls to you, I’d love to see you there.


Marion xxx