
We’re travelling new terrain with screens!

We really are traveling new terrain here.

Although screens in the form of TVs have been around for a long time, and children have been playing computer games since the 1980’s, the speed of change has picked up really quickly in recent years.

The first iPhone came out in 2007, with Android smartphones arriving in 2008. The iPad was released in 2010, with other new tablets arriving that same year.

That really isn’t long!

And it means that we are the first generation of parents to be facing the issues that we face.

Do you want to get clear about what screen use you are happy for your child/ren to have?

Would you like to know the difference between when they are using the screens in helpful ways, like learning, and when they are using it to avoid connection with themselves?

Would you like to feel calmer and clearer about the whole issue?

Do you want lots of ideas about how to help them get off a screen?

Would you like to find ways of bringing more harmony and cooperation to device-use?

Most of all, I’d really LOVE to hear what it is that you find challenging about your child/ren and screens, and what you would like help with.

What do you want to understand?

What do you need?

My children are 13 and 9, and I’ve been playing with the whole screen thing for a decade now.

And I want to let you know that in this course, there is no shaming, no judgment, and no one-size fits all approach.

It’s much more about things like:

  • Understanding what needs screens meet;
  • Finding ways of staying connected with our kids when they’re on devices;
  • Creating harmony and cooperation;
  • Reducing conflict around screens;
  • Knowing ways to help them get off devices;
  • Freeing ourselves from the painful ways we think about screen-use;
  • Having a community of empathic parents to talk with this about!

If you want to find out more about my Kids, Screens and Aware Parenting Course, click here.

Much love,

Marion xxx