
The Sweet Spot for Mothers


How has your week been?

I’d love to share with you something that I found amazing for finding the sweet spot.

For those of you who’ve already known me for a while, you’ll know that

the sweet spot is the exact point, somewhere between safety on the one hand and stimulus for the feelings on the other, where healing laughter or tears come.

This video hit the exact sweet spot for me. I laughed out loud loudly, and then burst into tears.

It obviously helped me connect with feelings about being a mum and all that it requires from us!

It’s perfect timing!

I’m so passionate about working with mothers and helping us all have amazing lives, and part of that is acknowledging what a huge thing it is to be a mother.

Our lives are changed deeply when we become mothers.

And I so want for mothers to have more than just the challenges and the day to day tasks.

I want for us to return the meaning and the sacredness of mothering.

You might like to watch the video.  I’d love to know if it touches you too!


Much love,

Marion xxxx

January 2015