
Some of the words I don’t say to children

I have LOVED this series on language. I could say lots more (a whole book!),

AND this is the last post for now!

Phrases I don’t say to children (or any aged person)

“You have to”
“You’re not allowed”
“You should”
“You made me feel….”

I am passionate about helping children stay deeply connected to their true power, (the Will element of their Soul) which in the MM Psychospiritual Parenting work is related to their will-needs.

“You made me feel” is a spell which leads children to believe that they cause, and are responsible for, the needs, feelings and actions of others, which is a will-hurt of being given power that is not theirs.

Have to, allowed and should are all forms of coercion, leading to will-hurts and the internalisation of the Disconnected Domination Culture.

I’m passionate about supporting parents to understand the power of their willingness and how they can help their child be more likely to be willing to cooperate.

And what we can do if a child isn’t willing to cooperate whilst still helping them retain their true power.

So apt, given that the next course I’m offering a live round for is my Wonder of Willingness Course!

Thank you for all the responses and shares of the language series! I really appreciate it!

Lots of love xoxox