
Screens for us and our kids

Sep 13, 2015 | Aware Parenting, Screens | 0 comments


If you have any screens in your home, including an iPhone or Android phone, then you will be making choices about how you use them.

For example, whether to get an alert when you receive a text, or an email, or a Facebook message.

We make choices about our relationship with screens, and our children see the choices we make.

Knowing that we actually do have choices can really help us to use those choices with awareness, and give us a sense of power in our ability to choose.

For example, you might choose to turn off email notifications from your phone.

You might have set times when you look at your phone or a screen.

Or you might have a set amount of time when you look at screens.

You might turn your phone off at times.

You might have a designated screen-free day or afternoon.

There are so many ways that we can have choice over how we use screens in our families.

And our children are learning from these choices.

So, making choices that are in alignment with our values can make a big difference to our children.

I’ve been aiming to just look at my texts once or twice a day, and I’ve changed the notification signal for when I receive texts to a quieter one. I’m enjoying making choices about when I go and look at my phone!

Screens can pull our attention easily away from ourselves and our children.

So, making conscious choices about our attention is a beautiful gift that we can give to our children.

Are there any choices that you would like to make around how you manage your screen use?

If so, I’d love to hear them!

And I’m so happy to tell you that the invitation page for the Kids, Screens and Aware Parenting Course is up and ready!

You can see it here: http://www.kidsscreensandawareparenting.com/invitation/

Much love,

Marion xxx