Would you like to respond to procrastination with judgment, giving up and coercion or with compassionate curiosity, understanding and willingness?
This time 5 years ago, I was longing to do things that I wasn’t doing.
I had more than 25 years of experience, training and exploration in developmental psychology, psychospiritual psychotherapy and conscious parenting.
I was offering 1-1 sessions in Aware Parenting, and running workshops around Australia, whilst homeschooling my two children.
And yet I felt deeply frustrated.
I had combined my understandings of Aware Parenting, Nonviolent Communication and The Field Project and I wanted to share these with many more mothers.
I was also feeling worried about money most of the time.
I was putting hours and hours of time into emailing people to set up sessions, and emailing people about the in-person workshops, and those hours didn’t translate into much income.
I remember worrying about how I would pay the bills.
The crux point came when my rollerblade brakes had worn down to nothing and I tried to save money by buying new ones that were cheaper but not designed for those rollerblades.
And the first time I went out in them, I tripped on them and chipped my front tooth – the first accident I’d ever had on rollerblades, despite having them since I was a child.
I realised then that it wasn’t going too fast that was dangerous, it was having too-big brakes.
In Messages from Life terms, it was becoming dangerous for me to apply such big brakes to my Callings.
As Anais Nin said, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
I took big action. I went fast. I started in October 2014 and did Jana Kingsford’s Launch a Little Course, the most helpful $600 I ever spent, and I put everything into following my Callings.
At first, big big feelings came up, but after my first big course launch, where I felt the absolute JOY of people signing up to do my course and wanting to learn from me, and where I earned more in a week than I had the entire previous year, I knew that this was the path for me.
Over the next two years, I learned a huge amount about:
Willingness vs. coercion;
How inner coercion leads to outer hitches and glitches;
How entrepreneurship invites us to psychospiritual growth that I hadn’t believed possible;
Deep compassion for myself and my inner children;
Why I keep having internet issues and car issues, and how willingness helped change that;
and so much more.
Now I am so incredibly grateful for where I am in my life.
I get to spend time with my homeschooled children and to work around their schedules, supporting them in doing what they love.
I have ultimate flexibility and choice over what I do in any moment.
I’m always developing my own paradigms as I create content, launch and run courses, and write my books, which I feel so energised doing.
I feel deeply fulfilled in the creation. I love design and I get to play with that too.
I love the work I do with clients.
I love the people that come and do my courses.
I love running the courses and making connections with like-minded people all over the world.
I’m so grateful to be making a living doing what I love.
I understand and work with my willingness so that I don’t need to choose between giving up or coercing myself.
And, along the way, through lived experience, I’ve developed these 4 practices and processes which I use in all aspects of my own life – entrepreneurship, inner work and parenting, and which I love sharing with others.
I’ve learnt from all the teachers I’ve worked with, and developed these practices by joining everything together and adding my own flavour.
These four practices have profoundly changed how I follow my Callings and respond to the feelings, inner children and outer events that show up along the way.
Those are:
The Willingness Practice
The Conversation with Life
The Inner Loving Crew Practice
The Inner Loving Presence Process.
You can work with these in an entrepreneurial sense in the following offerings:
The Inner Loving Presence Process for Entrepreneurs,
(This is a short, pre-recorded course available all year round).
Respond Lovingly to Your Calling,
(This is only open a couple of times a year, and has 16 live trainings).
Psychospiritual Entrepreneurship Immersion (Message me if you’re interesed)
(This is 1-1 mentoring work).
And I have a
Procrastination, Willingness and Inner Coercion Masterclass.
In this training, I explain:
The true cause of procrastination;
Why responding compassionately to procrastination helps us find willingness;
What happens when we coerce ourselves to take action;
How inner coercion is related to outer hitches and glitches;
How to find true willingness to take action;
How Life responds to our willingness.