
The Willingness Practice and Present Time Work Like Magic

You’ve probably heard me rave about Present Time and how it can make a huge difference in our relationships with our children.


The Willingness Practice is similar; like a cosmic Present Time for us!


In the mornings, when I wake up, I do two practices.


My Lovingness Practice and my Willingness Practice.


The Lovingness Practice:


My Inner Loving Mother says to me things like, “I love you exactly as you are. I’m here and I’m listening.” I often scan my body and my Inner Loving Mother gives unconditional love to each aspect of my body as I take my consciousness there.


This morning, She was helping me with some fear around being judged that is coming up lately. Little 7 year old Marion showed up and my Inner Loving Mother said, “I’ll protect you from being judged,” and held an energetic Neo No around me, and little 7 year old me felt deeply relieved.


The Willingness Practice:


I ask myself, “What do I want?”


This morning, the first desires are for fun and for ease. I have a friend visiting from out of town, and I’m going to be hanging out with her, and taking my children back and forth to homeschooling activities.


With my willingness for fun and ease, I feel a deep sense of relaxation in my body, an out-breath and a releasing sigh.


I find that there’s something wonderful about this asking myself what I want.


And this is why I liken it to Present Time.


When we offer our child Present Time, we are giving our full, loving, consciousness, and we are giving them choice within that to do what they want in that time.


That combination of loving connection, and supporting them in listening to what they want, and responding with our willingness to cooperate with what they want, creates magic.


And it’s so similar with The Willingness Practice.


We are giving ourselves loving connection.


We’re asking honestly what we really want.


And our true desires lead us home to our true selves.


We’re then asking ourselves honestly if we’re willing to have, do or be those things, and if the answer isn’t a full yes, we’re going through the process to help us connect with our willingness.


On a meta level, with both PT and TWP, even more important than the content of WHAT they want to do, or WHAT we want to have, be or do, is the loving presence to listen to that desire and to be willing to respond to it.


That is why Present Time is so powerful, because our children experience again and again that:


what they want is valuable and heard;

that they do get to choose to have that experience:

and that Life (through us) is willing to give us the wonderful experiences that they are longing for.


And that is why The Willingness Practice is powerful, because:


we are letting ourselves know that WE value and hear our heart’s desires;

and that WE get to choose to have the experiences that we long for;

and that Life is then free to give us our heart’s desires,

(when we find our true willingness to have them.)



My Wonder of Willingness Course is HERE.

