I’ve been loving exploring the concept of creativity.

Much of it inspired my the courses I’m doing with Jana Kingsford.

And for me, these so relate the masculine and feminine principles, and the inner marriage.

Creativity is like the inner marriage for me.

The inner feminine I see as love, acceptance, being, and allowing.

The inner masculine I see as will, wanting, doing, and making things happen.

If we are resting in one of these all of the time, without the other, then divine creativity cannot occur.

If we just accept and love, we do not bring forth movement.

If we just do and act, we act without soul.

To allow creativity to run through us, we need both masculine and feminine qualities.

We need to allow the creative impulse through us to create.

We also need to act, over and over again, to create the structure for creativity to come through.

That’s a bit esoteric, so I’d love to give you some examples.

When we make a cake, we create. But we also need to be able to find the cake tin, and wash up afterwards.

When I write, I also need to read the emails in my inbox and cross the everyday tasks off my lists.

We need both inspiration and everyday action.

Feminine love needs masculine will to blossom in the world.

Masculine will needs feminine love to create beautiful action.

The masculine and feminine need each other to create.

Create means, “To cause to come into being.”

Creativity is like giving birth. It needs the masculine and the feminine.

So, what does this actually mean in real-world terms?

If you want to allow creation to happen more in your life, then it’s important to look at whether you need to bring forth more masculine or feminine qualities.

If you have a sense of being on a treadmill, constantly doing, constantly moving, then you need to embrace more of the feminine.

If you never seem to get anything done that you want to get done, if you don’t seem to be able to create changes, you need to embrace more of the masculine.

Embracing the feminine means;

learning to accept yourself,

letting yourself be nourished,

listening to the desires that call to you in the middle of the night,


having space to do nothing, doing what you love,


connecting with friends,


going for a walk,

walking barefoot,

lying in a hammock,

going for a bike ride,

basically allowing nourishing space so that you can be available, so that you can be open, so that you can hear the voice of creativity speaking though you.

It’s going for a walk and getting an idea for a new project.

It’s lying in a hammock and receiving the next recipe for your family.

It’s looking out of the window at the trees and having an inspiration about what is going on for your child.

It’s going for a bike ride and having a download about what to write in your next newsletter.

It’s mindfully putting out the washing and receiving the solution to an issue that’s going on at work.

It’s having a bath and suddenly realising what you can do to transform your relationship with your husband.

We need to allow these spaces in order to allow the creative spark to come in.

We need to slow down so that we can hear them.

We need to move into a poetic space to allow the poetry to come to us.

Embracing the masculine means;

Writing lists and doing what’s on them,

Saying you’ll do something and sticking to it.

Carving out time to actually do what you said you’d do.

Keeping on going even when you are frustrated or want to give up.

Setting loving limits with yourself about what time you go to bed and how much time you spend on Facebook.

Putting structures into place in your life so that you can do what you want to do and be who you want to be.

Listening to when you really don’t want to do something and saying so.

Being clear about what you will do and what you won’t do.

Asking clearly for what you want.

It’s doing what’s required to get your project into the world.

It’s clearing out the cupboards or the fridge.

It’s making sure that you did what you said you’d do with your children.

It’s setting a timer for the beginning and end of Present Time.

It’s writing down specific, do-able, plausible actions in your diary that take you to who you want to be and what you want to do.

It’s repeatedly doing those things, over and over again, so that your creation can be born into the world.

It’s putting on your favourite music, that inspires you, gets your energy moving, and helps you create.

It’s doing the thing you want to do even when you feel scared or resistant.

It’s doing the thing you want to do over and over again, even though each time you feel scared and resistant.
It’s putting your vision into tangible action steps.
It is simply doing it.
And I am loving the work of Steven Pressfield – he says,

“The more important an activity is to your soul’s evolution, the more resistance you will feel towards it, and the more fear you’ll feel.”

You can see an interview with him here.

We need the masculine parts of ourselves to keep on going when we feel that resistance and fear.

The loving masculine that tells us that we are safe, and we can do it, and to keep on going.

As we do all of these, we are also reparenting ourselves – we are allowing the divine feminine and divine masculine to be our parents

the divine feminine mother holding us, supporting us, loving us unconditionally,

and the divine masculine father encouraging us, keeping us safe, and telling us that we really can do it.

What a beautiful process!

Another quote I just came across that is relevant to this is from Marcus Aurelius. He said, so long ago,

“The impediment to action advances the action. What stands in the way becomes the way.”

We need the divine feminine principle to give ourselves loving compassion for when things get tough, and the divine masculine principle to encourage us that we really can do it!

When you read this, what do you need to cultivate more?

Do you need to allow space and self-love so that you can receive inspiration?

Do you need to cultivate will to actually act upon what you want to create?

What one thing will you do this week to make that happen? Write it in your diary!

Much love to you,

Marion xxx