by Marion Rose | Apr 27, 2020 | Aggression, Aware Parenting, Conditioning, Culture, Decolonisation, Domination Culture, Outrage, Parenting Paradigm, Power and Powerlessness in Parenting, Power-with in Parenting, Rage, Tantrums, Tantrums, The Willingness Practice, Unwillingness, Will, Willingness
I believe we are being invited to shift the domination paradigm of the past 2000 years. As mothers (and fathers), there are two key ways we can do this – to reclaim our sacred power, and to support our children in staying connected with their...
by Marion Rose | Apr 23, 2020 | Aggression, Choice, Claim Your Feminine Power, Culture, Decolonisation, Domination Culture, Love and Will, Neo No, Outrage, Parenting Paradigm, Planet, Power and Powerlessness in Parenting, Power-with in Parenting, Psychospiritual Emergence, The Willingness Practice, Will, Willingness
Hello dear friends, I have been noticing something in the field in the past few days… I have suddenly felt a really strong calling to stand up and speak a big NEO NO to power-over and coercion – in particular, towards children and in the...
by Marion Rose | Mar 22, 2020 | Colonised, Conditioning, Consciousness, Control Patterns, Conversation with Life, Decolonisation, Domination Culture, Evolving Through Parenting, Fear, Feelings, Feelings, Gaia, Healing From the Past, Inner Feminine and Masculine, Inner Loving Mother, Loving Limits, Psychospiritual Development, Psychospiritual Parenting, Repression, Repression mechanisms
If you’re familiar with my work, you know I talk about the power of Loving Limits. We can set Loving Limits with a child when they are hurting others or themselves, or when they are using repression mechanisms to distract themselves form painful...
by Marion Rose | Mar 18, 2020 | Aggression, Attachment Play, Aware Parenting, Aware Parenting and Sleep, Compassion, Connected Crying, Crying, Culture, Fear, Feelings, Feelings, Healing From the Past, Highly Sensitive, Highly Sensitive Child, Inner Loving Mother, Terror, The balance of attention, Will
Have you been feeling fear recently? How about your child/ren? Fear has been a familiar face to me; as a Highly Sensitive person, who was separated from my mother for 5 weeks after birth, in a Highly Sensitive and worried lineage, and in a culture and a...
by Marion Rose | Mar 18, 2020 | Aware Parenting, Connected Crying, Crying, Feelings, Psychospiritual Parenting
Hello! How are you feeling right now? I’m sending so much love and compassion to you. I’d love to share about understanding the three types of feelings is so helpful at times like these: A few years ago, based on Aware Parenting and other paradigms I...
by Marion Rose | Mar 6, 2020 | Aware Parenting, Control Patterns, Repression, Repression mechanisms
When you see your child’s repression mechanisms, does this help you see yours more clearly and compassionately? Seeing our own repression mechanisms can help us be compassionate with the younger parts of us who didn’t grow up in a culture where feelings...