Hello dear friends,


I have been noticing something in the field in the past few days… I have suddenly felt a really strong calling to stand up and speak a big NEO NO to power-over and coercion – in particular, towards children and in the old-fashioned education system.


I also have a big NEO NO to coercion of birthing women, parents, animals, and all beings, yet the education thing is standing out for me right now.


I’ve also been hearing similar things from a lot of the women I work with. Things that they have felt uncomfortable to share about in the past, wanting to be respectful to others, and now feeling strongly called to speak up and say no to coercion and power-over in all different forms.


I wonder if you’ve been feeling something similar?


And if so, what are you saying a big NEO NO to?


I have a deep sense of mothers in particular being called to stand up with our NO, and to find, through the beautiful clear expression of our outrage, our NEO NO, which is WILL deeply connected with LOVE.


P.S. I’ve shared about this in my most recent podcast episode.


When I was a child and a teenager and in my early twenties, I hardly spoke. Over the years, I reclaimed my voice, by listening lovingly to the younger parts of me and their fear, and by changing my inner dialogue to being full of judgment, guilt and shaming, to being deeply compassionate.


I am so wanting my work to be heard by more people; to make more of a difference, and I’ve been working with The Willingness Practice and my Inner Loving Presence Process and Presences work around this (I will share a post on this in more detail!)


I’ve been wanting to restart up my own podcast, which I haven’t been using for quite a while.


Yesterday, I recorded two more episodes.


Just beforehand, I’d been in the pool – and as I look at the pictures now, I LOVE the message from Life – the love-heart bubble at my throat! (you can see it on my IG page)


I’d been realising that as a very quiet child and teen, I rarely had more than one or two people listen to me. And I realised how that energy has still been in place. After that, I took this bubble photo and recorded the podcasts.


And this morning, my daughter (18) and son (13) have literally been talking with each other for 4 and a half hours; my daughter supporting my son in learning a new language (Japanese).


We are so interconnected with our children, and on a much wider level, with all of Life.


As I speak out more, my children are free to speak more too, and in more languages!


Are you feeling called to share and speak more?


My podcast is HERE and on iTunes!


In the last week or so, I’ve been noticing the ways I’ve had a very subtle energy of aggression going out into the world; so subtle they are hardly noticeable.


I’m seeing it more clearly, and being deeply called to reclaim it.


I have a very powerful sense that as women in this domination culture, we’ve needed to express our power in covert ways.


As children, our beautiful NO was often not heard.


Our frustration, rage, outrage, not welcome as the beautiful gifts of our Soul.


And the many ways we needed to find power in covert ways, in underhand or underground ways.


And that energy leaks out of our willingness channel – where our power flows.


I sense the invitation to reclaim that.


To bring it all back.


To be unwilling for any kind of underground blame, unclear will energy.


To bring it all back home to our will.


To feel the grief and mourning of needing to do that, and the hurt it caused – without guilt, but wit profound self-compassion.


So that we can claim our true sacred power.


So that we can feel the full force of our will energy.


Which isn’t blame


it’s not covert


it’s not unclear


it’s not under the breath


It is a clear NEO NO


It’s clearly speaking up


It’s reclaiming our sacred will energy


That is intertwined with Love.


Are you feeling it too?


And as we do this, we are invited on a parallel journey


in changing the paradigm


to be supportive advocates for our children’s will-needs.


For autonomy and choice, and the clear expression of No to be heard.


And since we are welcoming home our capacity to feel our own outrage,


we increase our capacity to be able to hear the healthy expression of that in our child.


To welcome their sacred NO.


To listen to their feelings with loving respect.


And for honouring their will


whilst understanding that wilfulness is not true will, but communicates unexpressed frustration and outrage.


A child who always says NO does not have a free-flowing willingness channel, nor does a teen or adult who always needs to rebel. These communicate unexpressed will-hurts.


We are being invited to heal our will-hurts individually and collectively.


We are being invited to reclaim the sacredness of will.


Not the domination system’s use of will – in power-over, coercion, force, punishment, guilt, and the shaming of frustration and outrage.


But true, sacred will.


Do you resonate?


I am going to be doing a live training in my Wonder of Willingness Course on this, and will be walking alongside mothers in reclaiming our sacred power in Transformation Through Mothering.


I’ll be opening the doors up for both of these very soon!


Big love xoxox