by Marion Rose | Oct 12, 2019 | Loving Limits, Screens
I’d love to share about my loving limits with social media scrolling. Loving limits is a term I devised, which can be used in parenting, in other relationships, to our own behaviour and internally in our consciousness. Loving limits are NOT;...
by Marion Rose | Jul 22, 2019 | Present Time, The Willingness Practice
You’ve probably heard me rave about Present Time and how it can make a huge difference in our relationships with our children. The Willingness Practice is similar; like a cosmic Present Time for us! In the mornings, when I wake up, I do two practices....
by Marion Rose | Jul 16, 2019 | Aware Parenting, Power and Powerlessness in Parenting, Power-with in Parenting
1. Remember that our children naturally want to cooperate. If they aren’t cooperating, there’s something important going on for them that we need to understand and address before they can return to their natural willingness to cooperate. 2. Listen to what you...
by Marion Rose | Jul 11, 2019 | Aggression, Aware Parenting, Power and Powerlessness in Parenting, Power Portal Process, Power-with in Parenting
How many of your most painful parenting moments involved you feeling powerless? Powerlessness is deeply painful and can come from thoughts, present moment needs or past feelings. 1. Thoughts ~ Were you telling yourself things like, “I can’t do this...
by Marion Rose | Jul 4, 2019 | Aggression, Aware Parenting, Feelings
Over the years, I’ve worked with so many people who say things like, “I don’t know how to express my anger in healthy ways.” So many have talked about anger being unwelcome in their homes; about being punished or shamed if they expressed anger or had a tantrum....
by Marion Rose | Jul 4, 2019 | Aware Parenting, Connected Crying, Parenting Paradigm, Tantrums
Our beliefs about children, human beings and parenting have a profound effect on how we feel when we’re with our child, and what our responses are likely to be (beliefs aren’t the only things that affect how we feel and how we act, but that’s what...