
Consciousness-as-Cause and Compassion

Combining consciousness-as-cause AND compassion for our feelings and inner children.


It was my dad who helped me be so interested in consciousness-as-cause models of life. He had many deja-vu experiences and synchronicities, which he talked about often and he read lots of books on quantum physics.


My mum has helped me learn so much about compassion and love.


It’s no wonder that my work is all about combining both consciousness-as-cause AND compassion!


Some consciousness-as-cause models try to persuade us out of uncomfortable feelings, which they might even call ‘negative.’


I don’t believe there’s such a thing as ‘negative’ feelings.


I’m passionate about compassion for all of our feelings, our needs, our protective mechanisms, and our inner children, and ALL parts of us.


I value deeply honouring, understanding, and working with, the power of our consciousness to profoundly shape our experiences and reality




I deeply value compassion for all parts of us, and the power of compassion.


I wanted to create practices and processes which would combine three core elements:


Harnessing the power of our consciousness to shape our experience;


Holding unconditional love for all of our feelings and inner children;


Valuing our bodies and their knowing.


I’ve combined 30 years of training in psychospiritual psychotherapy, developmental psychology, conscious Parenting, Field Project training and Nonviolent Communication to create four key processes and practices.


Two of these are more focussed on Love, and two are more focussed on Consciousness.




The Inner Loving Crew Practice – these are connecting with Inner Loving Presences that love us unconditionally, support and encourage us in particular ways. They also help us listen to unexpressed feelings and hurts from the past in the next process.


The Inner Loving Presence Process -here, we take a charged phrase in the present back to its source, listen to those younger parts of us, give them reparative experiences and phrases, and bring those new reparative experiences and phrases back to the present.




The Willingness Practice – this is a powerful practice which helps us deeply value all of our desires, needs, values and callings, and helps us find willingness to have, do or be them. Life responds to our willingness, rather than what we want. This is how we communicate with Life.


Messages from Life – this is the way that Life communicates with us, via symbols, symptoms and experiences; from car numberplates, things our children say to us, physical symptoms and technological hitches.


If you’d like to learn more about the first two, I have a training called Helping mothers develop true self-love.