
My Journey of Speaking My Voice

Jul 3, 2019 | Conversation with Life

I’ve been on a long journey with speaking my voice.


At school and university, I very rarely ever spoke in class.


I remember starting my psychotherapy training at 24 and barely speaking a word in the group for the whole weekend.


I’ve come a long way. I now am comfortable running groups and online courses, doing FB lives and running workshops.


And yet, my soul calls for more. I have a book waiting to be sent off to the publisher that I’ve been wanting to be published with for 20 years!


And I have these beautiful Compassion Cards waiting to go out into the world.


More clearly than ever, I know what I’m here to share and I want to share it more.


And that’s clearly the next level for me in speaking my voice.


And as I know happens, each step forwards invites me to revisit old hurts so that I can truly hear those younger parts of me, and give them what they needed back then.


Life is here, inviting me and supporting me to do that.


Podcasts won’t record, audios got deleted, I discovered ways people haven’t been able to sign up for my newsletter for ages.


This isn’t Life working against me. This is Life showing me exactly where to go to do the next piece of work.


So, I’ve been using the four quadrants of the practices and processes I developed:


The Inner Loving Crew practice;
The Inner Loving Presence Process;
The Willingness Practice;
Conversations with Life.


This morning, in my inner work, my Inner Loving Mother and Inner Loving Father sat in front of little Marion and said;


Inner Loving Mother: “You can say whatever you want to say, and I can be with you and hear it all.”


Inner Loving Father: “I will be quiet and I will listen to you. I love hearing you.


And together, “We welcome your voice. We love hearing you speak. Your voice helps others.”


There’s something that happens when we find the exact antidote phrase… there’s a deep relief in the body, a sigh and a relaxation.


That’s how I’m feeling.


And part of me speaking my voice is in this training –  Helping mothers develop true self-love.