
Willingness, Power and Powerlessness and The Inner Beloved

Willingness, true power, power and powerlessness and the Inner Loving Father and Inner Beloved are all related.


A few days ago, I felt really scared – terrified even – as I glimpsed the next level of conscious co-creation in my Willingness Practices.


Although I’ve understood how our consciousness gets out-pictured in our experience for more than 20 years, and have been working consciously with this since I started training with The Field Project in 2005, I’m seeing even more clearly how profoundly my consciousness and my reality interpenetrate each other.


I see so clearly how it’s the scared parts of me that are stopping me from the next level of my showing up – as they try to protect me from things that I’ve already experienced in the past.


As I explored this fear of power, I could clearly feel collective memories from the witch-burning times, when feeling a deep sense of interconnectedness with all of Life, and a clear sense of co-creation with Life, was dangerous, in that it could easily lead to death.


But then an experience last night reminded me that it isn’t true power-with Life that is dangerous nowadays. What is truly dangerous is the powerlessness/power-over cycle.


The experience was with my son. I deeply value autonomy and choice for my lovelies. Last night, he went to bed really late and I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep again. I felt deeply powerless. And then I went into using power-over him.


I’m so grateful that I don’t use guilt sticks on myself afterwards. Instead, I apologised to him and listened with compassion to my grief in response to how I’d acted towards him.


I hadn’t stood clear in my willingness for us BOTH to get our needs met, and my not doing that led to me feeling powerlessness and using power-over him.


And I remembered, yet again, that it’s powerless that’s dangerous, because it’s powerlessness that often flips into power-over.


And this is so true in our wider culture too – it’s those who feel deeply disconnected from Life, and deeply powerless, who resort to power-over others – whether that is power-over other humans, children, animals, nations, and Gaia herself.


Powerlessness can lead to power-over.


True power; power that comes from an innate sense of interconnectedness, is very different.


All the arms of my work join together – power and powerlessness, love and will, compassion and connectedness, parenting and inner work, culture and community, and a psychospiritual perspective.


As I take my next step on my journey with true power, I have my Inner Loving Father and Inner Beloved by my side, with The Willingness Practice and Conversations with Life to help me.


My Inner Loving Presence Process Course includes our inner relationship with our Inner Loving Mother and Inner Loving Father, Inner Best Friend and Inner Beloved, with our capacity to say a Neo No.

