
Why I don’t speak or write the phrase “I feel like”

“I feel like” is spoken so often nowadays. Do you notice yourself saying it? Do you hear it a lot in the language of others?

I’m passionate about language for many reasons, and one of those is that what we say has profound effects on:

which part of ourselves we are speaking physically and psychologically;
what sensations and feelings we experience;
how loving and powerful we feel.

How do you feel in your body if you say, “I feel like….” followed by something that you think or believe to be true?

What about if you replace that with, “I think that…” followed with what you think. How do you feel in your body then?

People often say, “I feel like…” followed by a thought.

In the Marion Method work, this can at times be a way of us disconnecting from, or disowning our true power.

Instead of standing in the power of our Soul, our Will, standing in what we think, we might be lessening ourselves – for many reasons, including safety or protection from confrontation.

We might choose to say, “I feel like” followed by a thought if we think that might protect us from judgment or challenge.

We could also say something like, “I think that (followed by a thought) and I’d love to hear what you think about this.”

What about if you are sensing something?

What and where do you feel sensations when you say, “I feel like we are getting closer to what’s going on.”

What and where do you feel sensations when you say, “I sense that we are getting closer to what is going on.”

I love the clarity of saying
“I think that…” when I am speaking from my mind,
“I feel” when I am expressing a feeling;
“I sense that..” when I am sharing an intuition,
and “I’d love…” when I’m talking about my desires.

I am passionate about supporting people in feeling more deeply connected with their true power and passion, the clarity of their thinking and the depth of their feelings.

Language has such a powerful part to play in this, because it deeply affects where we are speaking from and how much we feel connected with what we want, what we feel, what we sense and what we think.

You might notice the phrase “I feel like…” even more now… I invite you to notice how you feel when you hear others say it and whether you enjoy speaking that phrase in that particular context or whether you would like to speak other words instead!

Lots of love xoxox