
What will Your Inner Loving Mother say and do for you today?


I know I wrote yesterday, but I am feeling so happy and excited and I want to share it with you!

After writing to you, I made some memes.

I want to let you know how much I celebrate you.

I acknowledge ALL the things you do for your child/ren.

All those physical things that you do every day.

All the emotional support you give them, and all the feelings you listen to.

All the thinking about them and planning things for them and working out what they need.

And I know how very hard mothering can be at times.

And I send you unconditional love for all the times that you haven’t been the mother that you want to be.


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And I wonder if you would like to connect with what you want to hear from your child, your partner, your ex-, your friends, about you as a mother?

And whether you are willing to say those things to yourself, from your Inner Loving Mother?


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Perhaps She might say things like this to you?


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And if you have any judgments come about the times when you haven’t been the mother you want to be, I invite you to receive unconditional love from your Inner Loving Mother.

This morning I reflected back on my journey as a mother, which actually started 10 years before, when I knew that I wanted to heal a lot of my own past hurts before becoming a mother, and embarked on 10 years of therapy.

I know there are many times I haven’t been the mother I want to be, and my ILM loves me despite that.

I remembered all the preparation I did to get pregnant, all the physical, emotional and mental things I did during the pregnancy, and so on.

Taking time to go through this all helped me deeply appreciate myself.

I invite you to appreciate yourself.

Not only today, but every day.

Being a mother is an amazing thing.

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I’ve gone from having an inner dialogue that was full of self-judgment, self-punishment, guilt, shame and deprecation, to one where now my Inner Loving Crew spontaneously talk to me.

So, whereas my inner dialogue might have been, “you did it wrong. Why did you do that? Hurry up. You have to do it now.”

Instead, yesterday, I started feeling a bit stressed and started trying to push myself to get the course all finished and my Inner Loving Father spontaneously said, “I won’t let you do that to yourself sweetheart. You don’t need to rush,” and I immediately stopped feeling stressed.

And later on, I was in the bathroom and looked in the mirror, and my Inner Loving Mother said, “I love you. I love your wrinkles. You are beautiful exactly as you are,”

These weren’t affirmations, or things I was trying to say to myself.

My old inner dialogue has literally been replaced from within by these new relationships.

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I am so incredibly grateful.

Being freed from the prison of a harsh inner dialogue is the most amazing gift I’ve ever received.

And the wonderful thing is, I know that you will only do the course if you feel called to do it.

And if you don’t feel called to do it, you can start your own relationship with your own Inner Loving Mother and your Self will guide you.

If you want to find out more about the course, click on the testimonial below.0f8f568f 6252 42f5 ae4b a28061cb548eI hope you have a WONDERFUL Mother’s Day and that your ILM keeps telling you how much she loves you, today and every day.

Lots of Love,

