
To Your Child, Your Mothering is Like Sea to a Fish

Sep 14, 2019 | Valuing Mothering

To your child, your mothering is like the sea to a fish:


Have you ever found It hard to quantify your mothering?


I wonder if it’s because, not only are there so many tangible and practical things that you’re doing day after day, like cuddles and meals, taking to hobbies and outings, answering questions and supporting sleep, but also because so much of what you’re doing is intangible.


The being available, the having their wellbeing and activities in your consciousness, listening to their feelings, thinking about their needs, valuing their preferences and interests and callings. The listening to feelings, the empathy, the care.


I think the combination of these two


– lots and lots of very tangible things that make up the fabric of life,


and lots and lots of intangible things that can be harder to acknowledge


is one of the reasons you might find yourself not valuing your mothering and yourself as a mother.

And yet, all of this that you are providing and giving to your child/ren is like the sea to a fish.


It’s the backdrop of their being.


It’s what they are imbibing.


It is forming the background of their consciousness – their core beliefs about Life, about support, about their needs and feelings and interests and preferences and callings.

In other words, it’s profoundly important and influential.


And yet, because of the repetitiveness of the tangible things and the challenge in quantifiable things, you may find that you don’t value what you do, or you don’t receive the acknowledgment and appreciation that you’d love to receive.


This is rife in our culture.


Our culture doesn’t value all that mothers do.


So it’s up to us to change the culture, so that it does value mothers and all that we do.


I’m here to support mothers in changing our inner worlds and the outer world.


And one of the most powerful things we can do is to deeply honour and value what we as mothers do and are.


So that that can radiate out and affect the wider culture.


One of the ways we can do that is set up mutual acknowledgment systems.


I’ve been trialling this with my dear friend and colleague, Helena Mooney. Each day, we’ve been texting with each other what we most want to hear, and then responding to each other in audios with exactly those phrases, and more.


We’ve both been finding it really powerful.


Helena said, “This is SO powerful. I LOVE doing this. This is the MOST amazing thing ever. What a gift. What a fantastic idea. SO GREAT!”

Would you like to do something like that with a friend?


I am going to be supporting mothers in doing this in pairs and pods in my upcoming Transformation Through Mothering Offering.


I am also opening two places for 1-1 connection for me to give daily audio phrases… I’m offering it to people in the Inner Loving Presence Process Course first and later on will open it up to others.


What would you love to hear to meet your need for acknowledgment and appreciation?


Are you willing to say that to yourself, or ask a friend or your partner to say that to you?


Lots of love! xoxox