Have you felt powerless lately?
Hello! Wow; what a couple of weeks I’ve been through! How about you? I know that lots of people seem to be going through lots at the moment! Every time I launch one of my courses, I go through a healing process about whatever the course is about. So, with courses...Do you want to feel calm about screens and your child?
Hello! Do you sometimes feel confused, frustrated, powerless, fed up, or just plain exhausted around screen time for your children? Sometimes we can find it hard to think clearly about screens for children, and ourselves. There’s so many possibilities of...Parallel Process Parenting
Parallel Process is a term that comes from the psychotherapy world. It is used in several ways, but one way of using it is to explain how the client and therapist can have similar issues and themes, and that each bringing insight and growth to the theme can help the...Read moreIt was my son’s 9th birthday this week, and I’d love to share a few insights and learnings I’ve had about birthdays!