The most powerful practice in parenting
Hello! I wonder if you’ve noticed that one of the things that affects your child’s feelings and behaviour more than anything else is present connection? Have you noticed that if you tend not to be having so much connection with your child, or...Eating for Nourishment or Disconnection?
Hello! How are you? So many of us as women turn to food to avoid feeling our feelings. I wonder whether you ever do? We want sweetness, nourishment, nourishment, and fulfillment, and food can be a way we try to get that. Or we want to escape feelings of sadness,...Present Time is Magic Time!
Hello! How are you? I’ve been remembering how magic Present Time is. Why is Present Time Magic Time? Our children get a regular dose of the things that children need the most: 1. Deep Connection; 2. Choice; 3. A sense of power in their world; 4. Healing from the...Read moreIt was my son’s 9th birthday this week, and I’d love to share a few insights and learnings I’ve had about birthdays!