
Some elements of The Marion Method

Here are some of the elements of The Marion Method:


Inner Loving Mother – I’m right here with you. I love you exactly as you are.


Inner Loving Father – I support you to do what you love. I value your “NO.”


Inner Best Friend – I love hanging out with you. I’m here beside you.


Inner Beloved – I see you. I see who you really are and what you’re here to do.


Willingness rather than inner coercion – I am not willing to coerce myself. I’m wiling to do what I love and love all the younger parts of me that feel scared. When I’m truly willing, I feel my life energy and the life energy of Life flowing through me. Life responds to my willingness.


Inner Loving Presence Process – I’m here to support my inner children, to hear their feelings, to protect them from harshness, and to give them reparative experiences.


Conversations with Life – I belong here, and am a part of life, and Life is constantly communicating with me, through symptoms, my children, events, and signposts.


Lovingness and Willingness – My true nature is Love and Will; compassion and power. I learnt from my culture to judge and to coerce myself and others, and I can learn to decolonize myself and know my true nature.


Psychospiritual Parenting – My child is a unique soul, a wise being, in a small body. They have Love-Needs and Will-Needs, and Love-Hurts and Will-Hurts. As a parent, I am invited to offer a Loving and Willing environment, meet their Love-Needs and Will-Needs, and listen to their Love-Hurts and Will-Hurts. Behaviours I find challenging are due to their Love-Hurts and Will-Hurts and my own inner children and conditioning. Parenting is an invitation to see the soul of my child so that the personality they develop clearly reflects their soul, and an opportunity to return home to my true nature.