You are here for a reason.


You are unique and divine.


You have passions and purpose that are unique to you.


You have your own unique flavour.


I celebrate your divine soul.


You trail clouds of glory.


As we step forward, following the call of our soul, old hurts show up to be heard and healed.


That’s part of the psychospiritual journey.


As we follow our calling, old second-hand judgments and comparisons, doubts and harshness show up to be transformed.


That’s part of our personality becoming a more accurate reflection of our soul.


I invite you to notice when you are living from your soul.


And when old hurts and fears and doubts and self-judgments are showing up to be healed.


So much love to you!



I’m passionate about:

The power of the mind to influence our feelings, bodies, and outer experiences;

Deep and unconditional compassion for all feelings;

A psychospiritual framework – knowing that we are each a divine soul.

So, it’s really important to me that our minds, feelings, bodies and souls are all included in any practice or process or course that I create.

I’ve learnt and experienced powerful processes that used the power of the mind to influence our bodies – I used this in preparing for, and giving birth.

But I wanted more. I wanted an approach that was compassionate to feelings too.

I learnt an approach that helped me align with a version of myself where my desires and beliefs were congruent, and I saw how Life responded to that in kind.

But I wanted more. I wanted the feelings included too.

I learnt an approach which deeply understood the power of our thoughts on our feelings and needs.

But I wanted more. I wanted to include the knowing that unheard feelings from our past show up in our present.

I learnt an approach which was psychospiritual, and understood the interactions between the soul and the personality.

But I wanted more. I wanted a practice that invited conscious co-creation with Life.

And then all of these models coalesced and combined together into one form.

In the parenting sphere, it became Psychospiritual Parenting.

In the self-relation space, it became Psychospiritual self-relationship.

In the journey of the soul/entrepreneurial sphere, it became Psychospiritual Entrepreneurship.

What exactly is Psychospiritual Entrepreneurship?

It has four main elements:

1. The Willingness Practice – this is how we converse with Life. 

We start with our desires, we ask ourselves honestly if we are truly willing to have, do or be those desires, we listen compassionately to the parts of ourselves that aren’t willing, give them information and encouragement, until we DO find willingness.

Life responds to our Willingness. The universe, the events of our lives, other people – all respond to our willingness.

2. The Conversation with Life – this is how Life talks to us. 

This isn’t a looking-the-meaning-up-in-a-book conversation. This is an intimate conversation with the Universe.

3. The Inner Loving Crew Practice – this is where we develop profound self-compassion.

This is a really practical approach whereby we gradually replace harsh, ignoring, judgmental inner dialogue with compassionate, encouragement inner dialogue.

4. The Inner Loving Presence Process – this is where we heal old hurts from the past that are coming up in the here-and-now.

This is another really tangible process of hearing the younger parts of us that didn’t get heard, and giving them reparative experiences.

If this approach, which embraces the soul, the mind, feelings, the body, and life energy, appeals to you, I have a number of different offerings:

The Willingness Practice for Entrepreneurs – this is FREE (and is also suitable for anyone, not just entrepreneurs.

Are You Willing – this is a $6 ebook which goes into detail about The Willingness Practice.

The Wonder of Willingness Course – this is a $50 course (the price is going up in June) which takes you through the power of willingness in all areas of life.

The Inner Loving Presence Process for Entrepreneurs Course – this is a $150 course which goes through these four pillars – The Willingness Practice, The Conversation with Life, The Inner Loving Crew Practice and The Inner Loving Presence Process, in a way that helps you use these to do the inner work in your entrepreneurial journey.

I’ve found that doing the inner work of these four pillars helps the outer work flow smoothly and easily.

And lastly, my Respond Lovingly to your Calling Course. This includes all the inner work, PLUS a whole lot of practical information and support to help you with your outer work – especially if you have, or want to have, an online business.

It includes all that I’ve learnt in 30 years of inner work, plus all that I’ve learnt in the last 3.5 years of building an online business, doing what I love and sharing my gifts with the world.

It’s all about building a soulful, divinely-led, compassionate, authentic business based on doing what you love and contributing to people who love what you do.




For me, the entrepreneurial journey is the journey of the soul.


It’s being an entrepreneur AND listening to our needs for nourishment and rest;


It’s being an entrepreneur AND valuing our family time;


It’s being an entrepreneur AND listening lovingly to all the fears that show up along the way;


It’s being an entrepreneur AND healing those old hurts so we become free of them;


It’s being an entrepreneur AND changing our inner dialogue to deeply compassionate;


It’s being an entrepreneur AND becoming more who we really are;


It’s being an entrepreneur AND coming home to ourselves.


It’s being an entrepreneur who makes a living by making a difference.




Our soul keeps on calling us forwards, with divine downloads, desires, passions, interests, hunches, and ideas that wake us up in the night.

And as we are called forward, things show up where there’s discordance between our soul and our personality that formed around our soul.

Those might be fears, or judgments, or second-guessing.

The things that we are afraid of happening are things that we’ve already experienced.

For example, if you’re longing to share something in groups, but you’re terrified of being judged, it probably means that as a younger person, you stood up and shared your voice and you WERE judged.

Those experiences, because we didn’t get to be heard and healed, then come up to be heard and healed now.

The painful thoughts that we internalised come up to be replaced with something that is more accurate.

The paradox is that we can sometimes think that when we’re called forwards to do something, that those things ‘shouldn’t’ happen.

But from a psychospiritual perspective, that’s exactly what’s designed to happen.

Where there’s a clear discordance between our soul and our personality, there’s where we are invited to hear and heal whatever shows up.

As we hear and heal whatever shows up, those are the exact points, where we see that point of discordance, and that’s where our personality gets to reshape and reform. 

We get to hear the 10 year old us and how we felt, and to be our Inner Loving Crew, “I LOVE how you speak and what you say,” and that gets healed and heard.

So that we CAN keep moving forwards, so that we CAN keep sharing our gifts.

What I love about this idea is that this is how it’s designed to work.

We get called forwards, and at those rubbing points, that’s the aha moment, the “hello” to that part of us that is coming to be heard.

Instead of trying to force ourselves into doing things, or not doing that thing, this is the THIRD WAY.

There is a beautiful gift to be unwrapped… listening to those parts of us that WANTED to be seen, to be heard, to share their gifts, to sing their song, to dance to life.

The beautiful thing is, that the more we get to see the cartography of the psyche, the more we can recognise these parts of us,

“Hello little ten year old Marion, I hear you. I’m here with you. And you don’t need to be the one who speaks if you don’t want to. I’ll be speaking. And I’m looking after you.”

So, then we have the opportunity to follow the callings, and then listen to the flags, whether they are feelings or thoughts, and know that they are from the past, and we can welcome these parts, and bring these younger parts of ourselves home to ourselves.

We get to create a personality that IS a clear reflection of our soul.

We get to BE who we REALLY ARE.



And to understand how it works, in our self-relationships, in our parenting, and in our relationship with our calling!

What calls you?

What comes up to be heard and healed?

And if you’re interested, you might like my Respond Lovingly to your Calling Course!




What’s your inner dialogue like? Does it prevent you from following your heart’s desires and your soul’s callings?


My inner dialogue used to be full of self-judgment, self-criticism, self-hatred and self-doubt.


That inner dialogue prevented me from doing what I longed to do in so many ways.


I wanted to make a difference. I knew I had so much to give. But all that inner harshness got in the way.


Nowadays, my inner dialogue is full of compassion and love.


Nowadays, I am free to act on so many of the divine downloads I receive, because my inner dialogue is so different.


What I love about both entrepreneurship and parenting is that they invite us to hear and heal EVERYTHING that gets in the way of us being who we REALLY are and doing what we’re here to do.


I LOVE helping other mothers radically transform their self-dialogue, freeing themselves up to be who they really are.


I LOVE how this helps them both in their relationships with their children and their calling.


Transforming our inner dialogue to reflect our SOUL is absolutely possible.


I’m here to help others do their own version of this so that they are free to be who they really are and do what they’re here to do.


And I LOVE Messages from Life! Immediately after writing a version of this post, I saw an advert from Gaia TV saying, “it’s time to finally embrace the power of self-love and your unique gifts.”


Life, I hear you! xoxox




In the last few weeks, as I’ve felt more deeply myself than ever before, as I’ve got clearer about what I’m here to do and as I’ve been living more and more from a deep sense of lovingness and willingness, I’ve been noticing how much ease I’ve had in expressing myself.


I’ve been showing up and sharing much more, and much more freely.


A couple of days ago, I started having a sore throat and a deep sense of tiredness.


My Inner Loving Mother listened lovingly, and I read a couple of chick lit novels and did a lot of relaxing and sleeping.


Then the sore throat called me.


I knew that my even more ease in speaking was giving the opportunity for some more old hurts around speaking to show up and be heard and healed.


I thanked the sore throat, and my throat in general, for speaking something that needed to be heard. I thanked my body for the wisdom in speaking.


The symptom was, “It hurts to speak.”


So, this morning, I did a Quantum Inner Loving Presence Process.


I connected with multiple experiences of when it hurt to speak.


One key one was when I was at school. I was a House Captain at about age 11, and I stood up in front of the class to speak children’s scores.


This morning, I remember people laughing in response to my voice going up and down.


I went back to that 11 year old me, and I took all of my Inner Loving Crew with me.


Back in that classroom, they all stood around me, supporting me. Telling me that they really appreciated my voice. Saying Neo No’s to the children that laughed. Loving me, encouraging me, appreciating me.


The Quantum ILPP was me going through similar experiences at different ages, with that same sense of unconditional love, encouragement, support and protection from my Inner Loving Crew.


When I got up from my bed, my throat was still a bit sore, but I felt full of joy.


The experience in my body of revisiting these old hurts, hearing the feelings, and giving myself new reparative experiences, feels so profoundly healing.


I LOVE speaking my voice.


I am WILLING to keep on speaking and sharing.


And that is AMAZING, given that at school and university I almost never spoke in a group.


I LOVE that as I keep following my soul, old hurts come up to be heard and healed, and my ILC gives me beautiful new experiences.


I LOVE that my personality is increasingly more a reflection of my soul and that I’m able to do what I love to do and feel called to do!


You might be interested in my Psychospiritual Entrepreneurship Immersion.


I’m here to help others on the journey of their soul! xoxox



I believe each one of us has unique gifts that no-one else has.

Some of these gifts are passions we can trace back from when we were very young – perhaps you always loved drawing, or dancing, or helping people laugh.

Yet others appear to be the opposite of experiences we had when we were younger.


For example, perhaps you experienced a profound lack of choice when you were growing up, and so you’ve become passionate about supporting others in having autonomy and choice in their lives.

I believe that is because our souls often choose early life experiences that are the exact opposite of what we’re here to contribute in the world.

The amazing thing about sharing our gifts is that it isn’t just about sharing our gifts.


As we take each step forwards, guided by our soul’s calling and the divine downloads, inspirations and hunches we receive, we are given many other opportunities for growth and healing.

Sharing our gifts will often remind us of old hurts that come up to be heard and healed.

For example, perhaps you feel scared when you think of running groups, and it reminds you of when you stood up in front of the class when you were 10 and the other kids laughed.


What we are afraid of has already happened.

Fears and other big feelings from the past come up to be heard and healed.

Then there are the internalised thoughts and judgments that we learnt as we were growing up.

As we share our gifts, we have the opportunity to let go of those, and choose self-loving thoughts that fit with our values now, rather than our experiences back then.


In this way, our soul guides us home to who we really are, through sharing our gifts and releasing what gets in the way of being ourselves.

If this kind of paradigm resonates with you, and you’re wanting help on the entrepreneurial journey, you might enjoy my Respond Lovingly to your Calling Course.




Do you listen to your desires, or do you ignore them, judge them, or squash them?

Do you honour your divine downloads, or do you second-guess them, question them, or doubt your capacity to act on them?

Do you embrace your soul’s callings, or do you discount them, undervalue them, or throw them away?


Rumi said, “the soul is here for it’s own joy.”

I believe that those desires, downloads and callings come from your Soul.

They are sacred.

Listening to them is sacred.

Acting on them is sacred.

The soul is here for it’s own joy.


All that ignoring, judging, squashing, second-guessing and undervaluing are all things that you learnt and acquired when you were growing up.

One of my gifts is being able to help others differentiate between their callings and the old thoughts and hurts that show up afterwards.

I love helping people heal those old hurts that show up when they go to share their gifts.

I love helping people learn new, more compassionate responses to their callings.


I love helping people see the divinity in their callings.

I love helping people have deep compassion for their old hurts and fears and protective mechanisms that show up when they get called.

I love helping people develop their willingness to honour and follow their callings.


I love being a midwife of the soul.

I’m here to help you bring your callings into the world.

I’m here to help you be who you really are.

I’m here to help you do what you’re here to do.




Do you believe that you need to push yourself, force yourself, stay up late, TRY to get people to love what you do?

I used to think that too.

When I shifted to start making online courses, I pushed myself in so many ways.


I used to be the Queen of wilfulness, pushing myself past my physical limits.

I used to stay up late, after hours on the computer, to get a course out into the world at the minute I said I would.

I used to ignore my needs for rest and would keep going and going and going.


But then I met my Inner Loving Crew.


And then I really really GOT willingness and not-willingness.

I am NO LONGER willing to ignore my needs for rest and fun and lying in the sun.

I am NO LONGER willing to get stressed over my work.

I am NO LONGER willing to try to get people to like me or what I do.

I AM WILLING to listen to the callings of my soul.

I AM WILLING to listen to my needs for rest and nourishment and pleasure.

I AM WILLING to enjoy what I do, and to find things easy and effortless.

I AM WILLING to be unapologetically myself, and to only want people who really love my work to follow me.

I AM WILLING to be in love with my life.


Willingness is the conduit between Spirit and Matter.

Willingness is our LIFE ENERGY.

When we connect with our willingness, rather than old-style coercion, it’s like being a Tesla car and plugging ourselves into the free charging station that’s powered by the sun.

Free, sustainable, wonderful ENERGY.


If you’re an entrepreneur, and you want to understand HOW you can be MORE authentically yourself, get free from old judgments and harshness, value yourself more, love yourself more, listen to your soul’s calling more, then my Psychospiritual Entrepreneurship Immersion might be calling you.




Last night I found a BIG cicada inside the house.

And because I love messages from Life, I immediately heard, “Seek harder inside” (I love the word play that Life often uses with messages! – ci cada inside!)

So, this morning, when I could hear some old internalised doubt showing up, I knew the first thing to do was to seek inside myself!

I lay in the sunshine in my favourite winter spot in my bedroom.


And I listened to what I WANT.

What do I want to be, do and have today?

What do I want to be, do and have for my upcoming birthday?

What do I want to be, do and have in contributing to others?


What came so clearly was PLEASURE.

I LOVE pleasure for my eyes – beauty – I love looking at trees and blue skies and beaches and beautiful clothes.

I LOVE pleasure for my feelings – I love listening to my Inner Loving Mother and Inner Beloved, hearing how much they love me, and feeling that deep sense of love inside myself.

I LOVE pleasure for my body – I love feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin, beautiful tastes for my taste buds, the feeling of soft flowing fabric against my skin, dancing to music.

I LOVE pleasure for my soul – feeling the joy of creating something, contributing to others, feeling a sense of purpose and meaning in what I do.


So then I did my Willingness Practice!

Am I willing to have pleasure?

And I had a resounding YES!

And as it goes with willingness, the experience comes after the willingness.

Then came a deep sense of pleasure. YES!


I am SO incredibly grateful for my Willingness Practice.

It’s one of the most powerful and helpful practices I have.


I do it every morning, after my Inner Loving Crew Practice.

Life responds to our willingness.


The first question is, “WHAT DO I WANT?”

But wanting isn’t creative.

Willingness is a generative force.

Willingness is an energetic thing.


Life responds to our willingness, not our wanting.

If you want to find out more, I have three offerings:

The Willingness Practice for FREE!

The Wonder of Willingness Course (it’s only AUD$50 for a few more weeks).

The Inner Loving Presence Process for Entrepreneurs (which includes 4 pillars, one of which is TWP)

Respond Lovingly to your Calling.
