Marion Method Courses

The Marion Method is a psychospiritual model which holds that we are each a unique Soul, interconnected with all that is.
The psychospiritual model is different from many others:
because it honours the Soul AND
has deep compassion for all the ways our personality developed to fit into the culture and family we were born into.
Our Soul calls us forward, to become more who we really are
and invites us to lovingly and gently attend to our personality so that becomes a more accurate reflection of our Soul.
The Soul consists of Love and Will
which means that our true nature is inherently loving and powerful.
The more we live IN a personality that reflects our Soul, and are living FROM our powerful and loving Soul nature, the more we experience all the aspects of our life from a compassionate and truly powerful and willing stance.
The Lovingness work
is about gently freeing ourselves from the colonised culture which is based on separation, judgement, shaming, and fear of grief. Thus we feel an increasing sense of belonging, self-compassion, self-acceptance, and capacity to be with our tears and the tears of others.
The Willingness work
is about gradually freeing ourselves from the domination culture based on coercion, force, guilt, and fear of outrage. Thus we are increasingly able to act from willingness and our natural life energy, welcoming our feelings of outrage as beautiful gifts and comfortable with the outrage of others.
The Marion Method contains four key practices and processes
which help us increasingly identify with our Soul, heal old hurts, and live from our true lovingness and willingness:
The Inner Loving Presences
are where we develop relationships with inner loving presences who are able to listen to all of our feelings and needs with loving compassion.
With The Inner Loving Presence Process,
our inner presences hear the younger parts of us who were never heard and give them reparative experiences which also means that Life no longer keeps bringing us experiences of the same old themes and so that those younger parts experience being unconditionally loved, seen and supported.
Through The Willingness Work,
we reclaim our native knowledge of what we want and don’t want, and our innate capacity to say “yes” when we feel a ‘yes’, and “no” when we feel a ‘no’.
When we can really clearly say YES to what our Soul longs for, and are really truly willing for that, Life (the Universe) is free to bring that to us.
When we can really clearly say a NEO NO to what does not serve our Soul, that also sends out a clear message to all of life that we are not willing for that. If we don’t want something but keep putting up with it, Life will keep bringing that to us.
As the process continues, we become less identified with the younger parts of us who are trying to be heard and we become more identified with our Soul, and thus develop a profound capacity for compassion for all, clear aligned action, and a clear unwillingness to settle for less.
The Conversations with Life
component is the counterpart to the Willingness work. When we are able to be loving towards ourselves and our Soul’s callings and are willing to have, do and be what we really love, then Life is free to bring us that. Life is continually communicating with us because we are interconnected with absolutely everything. As we increasingly live this way, we not only feel an increasing sense of belongingness in the world, we also are able to collaborate with Life – understanding the signs, symptoms and synchronicities through which Life talks with us.
Some paradigms focus on compassionate mending of our past, but can sometimes lead to repression of the sublime.
Others focus on our powerful nature as co-creators and Souls, but can veer towards spiritual bypassing.
The MM work is deeply compassionate towards all our feelings, all our younger parts, and all the personality components we’ve developed to belong, be safe and be loved.
It also deeply understands how powerful we are as Souls, and that our YES and our willingness profoundly affects the experiences we have in our lives. It also supports us to clearly express our NEO NO in ways that help us connect to our true power.
The four key practices and processes can be used for
psychospiritual development,
psychospiritual parenting,
psychospiritual reparenting,
and psychospiritual entrepreneurship.
If you want to feel a deep sense of being authentically yourself, compassionate with yourself and others, and with the capacity to freely and flowingly follow your callings, then I invite you to keep reading!

Free Intro Courses
If you’re new to The Marion Method
and want to understand what it is, these are designed for you!
These introduce the two Lovingness Practices:
The Inner Loving Presences and The Inner Loving Presence Process.
These introduce the Willingness work:
In the first, how it relates to power and powerlessness in parenting, and in the second, how it relates to taking action (they are both also relevant if you’re not a parent and not an entrepreneur!)
This introduces Conversations with Life,
which is also related to our willingness. Our willingness is how we talk to Life, and Messages with Life is Life talking to us! Together this creates the Conversations with Life. You may know this as ‘manifestation’ or ‘The LOA’ yet CwL is quite different!
available now!
Do you want to feel your innate lovingness and true power?
Offerings for Mothers
If you want to free yourself
from the domination/colonised paradigm of mothering, get free from guilt and learn true self-compassion, these are for you!
AUD $222.22
Helping Mothers develop true Self-Love
AUD $33.33
Get Free from Guilt for Good
AUD $111.11
Transformation Through Mothering
Reclaiming the sacredness of mothering
and the power we have as mothers to change the cultural paradigm.
Transformation Through Mothering
AUD $444
Other Lovingness Offerings
Living from more Lovingness
in really practical ways
Love Being a Woman emails
AUD $50
Living from Lovingness and Willingness
AUD $44.44
Willingness is our life energy and is related to choice, outrage and saying No
Willingness and Power Offerings and Courses
Will is an innate quality of our Soul,
but through cultural and family conditioning, our will gets silted up.
The Will-Work helps you free up your willingness channel again so that you can feel your innate power, make true choices, and be willing to follow your longings and callings.
If you want to understand the basics of willingness,
My Wonder of Willingness book is coming out in 2025.
If you’re wanting to understand procrastination
and shift to true willingness, the Procrastination, Willingness and Inner Coercion Masterclass might be calling you!
If you want to understand The Will, powerlessness, power-with and power-over,
there are new offerings coming in 2025!
Do you long to be who you really are?
Cornerstone Courses
These are the keys
to really being able to use these practices in your life
The Wonder of Willingness Course
AUD $250
It’s really amazing me how powerful the willingness practice is. I have been so blown away by the week I’ve had that I really can not imagine my life without a willingness practice.
My own connection with my willingness has really upped my ability to practice Aware Parenting with my kids because I really know what it feels like to be in their shoes. I know what they are needing in each moment of unwillingness, sadness, frustration, fear, etc because I’m so connected with those parts of myself. listening to myself means a whole space has opened up for deeper listening to them AND to my husband.
I actually know what I would be doing without TWP: groping in the dark like I have been doing, consciously for the last half a year, and unconsciously since I became a mum.

This is one of the most helpful courses I’ve ever taken … And I’ll add, when I first started it, I had NO CLUE and only a thread of hope that my inner dialogue could change so much.
But Marion makes it all so easy and accessible through the materials available. And I love the different formats it’s all available in. I’m more of a reader of the written word, so I could read the info, whereas others could choose to watch a video of Marion talking or listen to an audio.
These days, I’m starting every day with at least a little word of acknowledgement or encouragement from my ‘Inner Loving Mother’ (who, unsurprisingly, sounds a lot like Marion) and it sets a really positive tone for my day.”
It is the best money I have ever spent on a course or healing modality.
I am a Naturopath, Bowen Therapist & vibrational medicine specialist…
I really feel like this inner work is leading me to the missing piece of the puzzle.
The healing is so complete.
It’s not easy, but it’s beautiful. Thank you Marion.”
I feel equipped, like I have a secret internal toolbox just for me. This feels special and unique and makes me feel strong and capable.
What I hope is that now that I have connected, I will remain connected with my Inner Loving Crew and we will continue to consciously walk through life together.
My eternal gratitude to you Marion, for sharing such wisdom, love and light and enabling us to feel such compassion for ourselves, so that we can also feel such compassion for others and towards the world. Much love to you xxx”
It sounds kooky…. But I was sobbing and sobbing, feeling fear and all that came to me from my Inner Loving Mother was deep love and compassion.
And I remembered a time when I’d beat myself up over any time I wasn’t “perfect.” I’d say awful hateful degrading things to myself in my head. Things I’d never say to another person.
And I realized, “gosh! This love and compassion, now, my Inner Loving Mother, is coming from ME!”
All I’ve been able to do this session is check in with my Inner Loving Mother and somehow it happened that I just learned how to love myself.
Thank you so so much. My life (most especially, my inner life) wouldn’t be the same today if I hadn’t found your course.
And, as we all know, the inner impacts the outer to an immeasurable degree.”
Psychospiritual Parenting
AUD $50
Psychospiritual Parenting Course
AUD $555.55 or monthly payment plan
Psychospiritual Money Course
AUD $333
Would you like to share your gifts more?
Psychospiritual Entrepreneurship
If you’re wanting to follow your entrepreneurial callings
whilst learning to deeply trust the call, collaborate with Life, listen lovingly to the younger parts of you, act from willingness rather than coercion, and understand and reduce hitches and glitches, the following are for you!
Inner Loving Presence Process for Entrepreneurs Course
This course is no longer available. A new Psychospiritual Entrepreneurship course is coming in 2024.
Respond Lovingly to Your Calling Course
This course is no longer available. A new Psychospiritual Entrepreneurship course is coming in 2024.
Psychospiritual Entrepreneurship Course
This course is no longer available. A new Psychospiritual Entrepreneurship course is coming in 2024.
“I AM achieving a lot right now and am having the career breakthroughs I’ve been longing for.
I guess the main thing I wanted to share is how freaking awesome it is to have the ILPP at my fingertips when it can take me from feeling so incapable and stupid feeling to productive and in flow again – just from working out the first part, my theme!
I have been feeling so paralysed at work in this way for quite some time now and I can’t tell u how fucking awesome it feels to
1. Actually identify what the REAL cause is;
2. Discover Why it’s showing up in that specific area of my life, in that specific way; and
2. Smother it in the love it needs from every angle – at the time it occurred – so it can heal and release.
Power and Love are your birthright
The Marion Method Immersion
Immersing yourself in the Marion Method!
Marion Method Immersion and Membership
The next MMI starts in 2025, as does the Marion Method Membership.
Marion Method Mentoring Training
Do you want to mentor others in this approach?
Marion Method Mentoring Training 2025
Doors will open in 2025 – Message me for details

I was about to meet two other incredible women who would take the journey with me and together with Marion, as our beautiful and soulful guide, we travelled a path that only our souls knew where we were going.
The time spent in circle each Saturday, sharing our heart and souls with each other was priceless and a time I will never forget.
The energy and unconditional love that was held in this space was so unique and held such reverence, that I was able to really feel seen and heard at the deepest level of my soul.
Through this journey of diving deeper than ever before into the practices and processes of the Marion Method work, I was able to bring to the surface and finally completely release three huge ‘linchpins’ in major areas of my life.
These linchpins of deeply held conditioning and fear, had been really holding me back from reaching my full yes and neo noes and therefore, I was unable to reach full peace of heart and mind in these areas.
What followed immediately after was pure bliss and freedom.
The MMMT journey was and still is, truly one of the most magical experiences of my life.
To dear Kylie and Tahls, thank you both so much for sharing so deeply, for holding space so graciously, for becoming friends and sisters for life. I am in deep awe and hold unconditional love for you both and the beautiful gifts you bring to the world. I cannot wait to see the next stage of your journeys.
I do not have words to express my sincere gratitude, love and appreciation for you Marion, my dear soul friend, colleague, guide, light and mentor. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything.
May the Marion Method spread far and wide, to all the lands on the planet.
May billions of people learn what is it like to truly live from complete presence, deeply seated in their Love and Will and in beautiful Conversation with Life.
May we pass this knowledge, these practices and processes to our children, so they too may feel empowered by this incredible life changing work and then continue to pass it down again when they become parents.
May every human being be invited to stand tall in our true willingness, deeply connected to our Slug Wisdom and opening the space for our truest soul to shine through each of us and send our gifts out to the world.
It’s only half the story getting to our ‘no’ and it is my belief that most healing modalities in this field, stop here.
The Marion Method will help you discover your noes and shower you with all the wonderful things that come from finding your true YES!
The Marion Method is the glue that brings it all together, it is true freedom from the constrains of the Disconnected Domination Culture and of our own conditioning.
You are free to truly be who you were born to be.
The Marion Method is the full package of what you need to live an incredibly inspired, happy and fulfilling life.
When this work becomes the mainstream (and it is my deepest belief that it will) and people remember how incredibly powerful they are
….AND that they can receive all that they want
….AND they are happier and loving towards themselves
….AND then more happier and loving towards others…
This is when the world changes.
Thank you so much xx
The Marion Method is an integration of the last 30 plus years of experience, study, research and client work.
It has a psychospiritual context – which means that it holds that we are each a unique soul, whilst also being interconnected with all that is.
When we come into the world, we have two key directives – to be who we really are, and to fit into the culture and family we are born into.
Who we really are is our Soul, or Essence.
We need to develop a personality as a container for our Soul.
The extent to which our family and culture can see our essence, nurture it, and support our Soul being expressed in the world becomes the extent to which our personality clearly reflects our Soul.
The disconnected domination culture that so many of us grew up in isn’t very friendly to Souls, and many of us we will develop a personality which is not an accurate reflection of our Soul. We receive hurts and conditioning.
The two key qualities of our Soul are Love and Will.
To stay connected with our true nature as Love, we need a Loving Environment (including closeness, attunement, empathy and compassion), and support in releasing the inevitable Love-Hurts that happen (disconnection, separation, loss, a lack of attunement) through having our sadness and tears lovingly heard.
To stay connected with our true nature as Will, we need a Willing Environment (including choice, autonomy, agency and respect), and support in releasing the inevitable Will-Hurts that happen (powerlessness, lack of agency, our “no” not being heard) through having our frustration and rage lovingly heard.
If we become parents, we are invited on the journey of Psychospiritual Parenting, which is the parallel journey of:
Reconnecting with our Soul and releasing ways that we needed to be, to fit into our family and culture;
Alongside seeing our child’s true Soul and mirroring them so that their personality clearly reflects their Soul;
Remembering our true nature as Love, with the help of a Loving Environment (including our Inner Loving Mother) and healing old Love-Hurts (with the Inner Loving Presence Process);
Whilst helping our child stay connected with their true Lovingness;
Unsilting our Willingness channel, with the help of a Willing Environment (including our Inner Loving Father), healing old Will-Hurts (with the ILPP), and using The Willingness Practice and The Willingness for All practice;
whilst helping our child have a relatively free-flowing Willingness Channel.
In this journey, we are invited to feel a deep sense of belonging with Life, through the Conversations with Life and listening to the Messages that our Children bring us; whilst seeing the innate wisdom of our child within the smaller body that needs deep care and support.
I’ve combined:
My Ph.D. on the mother-infant relationship;
Training and working as a Psychosynthesis Psychotherapist;
My experiences as a mother;
Training and using HypnoBirthing and Calm Birth;
17 years as an Aware Parenting Instructor;
20 years of practicing Nonviolent Communication;
6 years of training with The Field Project and working as a Coach and Facilitator;
To create an integrated psychospiritual paradigm.
What I love about this work is that not only does it help parents in practical ways to understand and respond to ‘wilfulness’ or a tantrum, a lack of cooperation or tears, it also helps us understand human development, particularly in terms of the planetary issues we face today, and most of all, in getting free from the Disconnected Domination Culture!
We can understand the disconnection from our oneness, the use of power-over by so many politicians, and how so much of the media use shame and blame tactics.
I’m passionate about this paradigm and set of practices and processes,
love walking alongside parents on this journey and am excited to support others in offering this work.
Marion’s work has been truly transformative in my life.
I no longer fear my big feelings or repress them, I welcome them as beautiful messengers curious as to what rejected parts I may be able to bring back into the fold with their information.
Diving into Marion’s work and processes has given me so much life energy, confidence to share myself with the world and deepened my relationships with myself, my little one and my family.
am deeply grateful to Marion for the space she has held that has allowed so much healing to take place in my inner and outer worlds.
And the biology of that belief is changing everything.
Immeasurable gratitude to you Marion and my extraordinary MMI soul sisters whom I walked with.
This is an offering of deep knowledge and tangible practice at the leading edge of mind-body medicine and psychotherapy.
I feel exceptionally privileged to have experienced this.
Marion, I am filled with gratitude for what I have learned about love and will from you. Thank you for seeing all of me, for loving all of me.
I am brimming with smiles and heart hearing your messages.
I experience your energy as a huge loving wave that gently rolls across the whole planet. Your voice is the call of nature’s truest energies of love and creation.
Knowing you, being in connection with you reconnects me to my most innocent intent in life.
Thank you. I love you and your message.
This is the end of Marion Method Immersion and feels like the beginning of a whole new life.
Marion, you create the most beautiful spaces. Every moment with you is enriching for me.
And to have you plus all these other wonder women I feel SO blessed.
I have emerged from this six month immersion with a felt sense of what being ‘mothered well’ is like. A LOT of that came from Marion’s constant pouring of affection and unconditional love on me through Messenger almost nightly, 3 sessions a month, and monthly Zoom conference calls; and some was from her helping me notice how I’d done that for my own daughter and imagining it was for me too.
I absolutely loved how, in our sessions together, I could ask for whatever I felt I wanted, and Marion would happily oblige. At different times, I asked her to speak directly to my body, to my psyche (the hurt child) and to my soul. Those experiences were always profoundly moving, as she poured on love and empathy and compassion. My spirit was deeply, deeply stirred and has renewed hope and enthusiasm.
I now wake most mornings and ‘hear’ my Inner Loving Mother say to me, ‘I’m right here with you darling’….and the same when painful feelings are coming up, when I remember to. Every time, it eases the hurt, I feel more ‘cushioned’, not so raw and exposed, not so vulnerable and alone. It gives a certain sweetness to the feeling, because it’s now minus the misery of the old, old sense of being alone with it.
The other aspect that has had a major difference is listening to Marion and becoming aware of all the ways my avoidance of coercion has governed so many aspects of my life and decisions.
She helped me see all the ways I know what I’ve NOT been willing to experience or have happen to my daughter, and how that’s a powerful thing.
And on the flip side of that, I’ve had a good look at where I’ve rebelled and ‘pushed back’ on anything that has even a whiff of coercion to it….and now I’m able to bring awareness of that to any decision I’m making. For instance, I might think I don’t want to do something but what I’m actually doing is baulking at feeling coerced into doing something. Once I recognise that, then I can decide, without that in the way, if I actually DO want to do it, or not.
And I loved our Zoom sessions. Such a WARM group of women….that’s what stood out the most to me. And I have to say, I loved the timer too, so that I could listen willingly and whole heartedly.
I LOVED Marion’s generosity that lent a sense of abundance to the course, being welcomed to join all the new workshops and courses she created whilst we were Immersed in her bath of love.
How does one describe an experience that has been life changing and yet effortless?
Powerful yet peaceful.
Present yet full of ease.
It’s like I fell in love with myself.
I can see myself through Marion’s eyes and the view is spectacular.
I fell more in love with my children.
I fell in love with the women in my group.
Every moment I got to learn with Marion and expand my awareness was sacred and I will carry these past 6 months in my heart forever.
Nothing has changed my perspective on myself, my potential, my power to heal, my ability to form deep, resonating, mutual friendships, and my understanding of past hurts like the Marion Method Immersion.
Living from Lovingness and Willingness