Loving Words
I so appreciate all the people I walk withThe Marion Method Immersion is a thorough soaking in LOVE. I felt it…until I believed it…until I became it.
And the biology of that belief is changing everything.
Immeasurable gratitude to you Marion and my extraordinary MMI soul sisters whom I walked with.
This is an offering of deep knowledge and tangible practice at the leading edge of mind-body medicine and psychotherapy.
I feel exceptionally privileged to have experienced this.
Dear Marion, thank you for the work you bring into this world, it is life changing and …. I so agree it is compassion activism.
For me it changes the way I see people in the world and how I connect with myself and my daughter.
I have seen such profound changes in myself since working with you and doing your courses.
Your unconditional love, wisdom and insight has helped me be in the world in a way that is authentic, compassionate and connected.
I am in awe of your vision and how you have been evolving in all these paradigms.
Thank you for such a strong and bright light on humanity.
I literally see you holding a torch as you walk, leading (in a guiding way), so grounded, aligned, peaceful, as the deep fire of your inner power expresses itself in the most loving & wise way.
Much gratitude and love,
I can’t express enough how much of an enormous resource Marion and her courses are.
When I first began my work with Marion I came to her from a place of fear of my Power Over tendencies. I wanted to wrangle them, suppress them, stop them!
Well! What I received instead, was the most incredible learning of self compassion. Of really hearing and listening to my inner child and all those times she’s felt utterly, utterly powerless. I’ve discovered my Neo No and how beautifully it protects my values.
I’ve shifted countless, honestly countless old parenting beliefs and paradigms. And I’ve received the most beautiful gift of all: truly feeling heard and seen with the eyes of love. It has made me a more loving, generous and understanding friend, daughter, sister and mother.
In short, I have gone from experiencing real fear and anxiety around my ability to parent and cope with the stressors of becoming a new mother to feeling like an incredibly excited, competent, prepared, softer and more love-filled person.
If you’re experiencing any draw towards Marion’s work, I urge you, just take the leap! I know, with every inch of my being that she has something exquisite to offer you!
For me it was life-changing. I have learned so much.
Thanks to Marion and her amazing practices I changed my inner dialogue and that is such a huge thing!
I was thinking about it yesterday, how before I used to talk to myself about something that I didn’t do quite right, or have forgotten … I would say mean and hurtful things that myself. I would call myself stupid.
Now most of the time. I find this empty space before I would say something hurtful to myself and then I clearly see I have a choice Bout how I will respond to myself.
And I choose love and empathy.
It helped me to respond with more understanding, love, empathy to my children and others as well.
I highly recommend this workshop!
Marion’s work is a blessing
Words cannot describe how grateful I am for the depth and unwavering, unconditional love and support you have shown me. You humbly describe yourself as a Mentor but your work is nothing short of healing and positively transformational.
When we embarked on this massive journey together I consciously set HUGE goals and little did I know my Soul was setting some of her own. I never, in a million years, would have anticipated the profound positive shifts I so longed for would happen in such short space of time.
To be honest, I more imagined their would be a long, slow gradual build up required in order to achieve such change, for me to establish the resources, confidence and courage to leave my ‘secure’ public service job would take at least one to two years. This happened totally unexpectedly and divinely within weeks of us working together. I am still blown away at how it all unfolded and have not been happier pursuing my soul work since!
We had been experiencing significant challenges with one of our children that was noticeable to all who were around us. The judgement and rejection of their behaviour and feelings and the lack of compassion and desire to understand what was driving the behaviour from modern society conditioning felt crippling and isolating to me.
Within an incredibly short space of time you guided me through two massive experiences with my child, supporting and reassuring me that their raging expression was healthy and my capacity to stay with them until the charged energy and feelings neutralised would be hugely beneficial.
Along side birthing my last baby undisturbed, this was the most powerful and empowering parenting experience I’ve had. What’s most remarkable though isn’t the softening and relaxation I witnessed immediately after the rage and grief, it’s their genuine expression of love, concern and generosity for themselves and others that has consistenly continued to be part of their nature for the MONTHS following and still to date.
Pain is an interesting part of our human experience and ‘being present’ is a popular recommendation to work with or heal pain.
“be present with your emotions”
“be present with the other person, they don’t have the capacity,”
“Just be present with yourself”
“Just be present with them”
Who else gets how incredibly freaking difficult or even impossible it is to ‘just be present’ with your own pain or with others?
This reminds me of the saying “people can only meet you as deeply as they have met themselves” – Matt Kahn.
It is crystal clear to me, and I believe everyone I have seen you work with, your ability to be piercingly present is like no other. And I feel confident in saying this is because of how deeply and passionately you ABSOLUTELY practice what you preach.
You never expect the souls your working with to do things or go places you haven’t been yourself. You lead by example using your tools and practices daily not coercing others to do the same, but gracefully inspiring them too – just like a true leader.
You know what pain is, you know how to feel and honour it, you’re not scared of it, you know that it’s a beautiful healthy part of us that needs to be heard and healed rather than rejected and suppressed. And, in my experience, you do that like no other.
You are a living, breathing example of what is underneath the pain, love.
Absolute, unwavering, unshiftable, undeniable, unconditional love.
Its where we come from and its where we go. It is our true essence, and you, Marion Rose, live and teach it like no other. SO much eternal love and gratitude to you,
Every day, yes every day, I’m reminded of how the work of Marion Rose has positively impacted my relationship with myself and my loved ones.
Her offerings are accessible, tangible and transformational…you will be amazed at just how extensive her body of work is and how she lives and breathes what she shares.
You blow my mind Marion with your ever so present and ever so cutting edge but deeply practical processes.
So glad to know you just before you expand exponentially.
Marion, you have fundamentally changed the way we love each other in our family. I respect my children’s feelings in ways I hadn’t realised I was even missing! I am seeing the value in my own and loving my partner even more (if that was possible).
To me, your work is for the whole world. I hope everybody gets to experience your message and your love.
Wanting to share here that you offer lots of free resources and continual support via your website and your social media channels for those with less access to funds.
From you I have learned about following my callings, trusting myself and trusting my children. And it has been profound. I threw myself into learning about Aware Parenting four years ago (a very new paradigm for me).
I took as many of your courses as I could. I read Aware Parenting books constantly. I began integrating a new way of thinking. I remember one day realizing… I don’t need any more courses or to read anymore books. It’s time to practice. To begin the doing. To live this new way of being.
I remember the first big shift that took place was making the choice to homeschool one year ago. And without going into detail, it was the scariest and the best decision I could have made. I was able to make it because I was finally paying attention to my child, and I was trusting myself. It was not easy, but I allowed myself each uncomfortable moment and conversation.
I survived and then thrived through each one. The changes we have experienced as a family since have been profound. At one point I thought my relationship with my son was destined to be disconnected. Many parents I knew were experiencing that too. But because I was so touched by your knowledge, experiences and unique way of supporting others, I refused to accept that as normal. I am so glad I did.
I really do believe that we are LOVE. And that when we, or our children stray from that, we can meet it with more love. My endless gratitude for you.
You are a gift! With big love,
I find it hard to express just how much I appreciate you Marion…
I have said it before, and I will continue to say it to you and to whoever might hear me – the work you do and YOU transformed my life.
I feel like it saved me and my relationship to my children.
I wanted to give a big grateful shoutout to the work of Marion, whose online support for mothers and mothering in the new paradigm of Aware Parenting as presented by the Aware Parenting Institute is absolutely life changing, compassionate even to the point of being transformational for our culture.
Marion also offers support for mums/women on the entrepreneurial journey and again her offerings are life changing in bringing about transformation with her Inner Loving Presence approach, her business coaching and her tech coaching.
She is truly a shining gem with so much to offer and a heart as sweet as her name.
I’m honoured and blessed to cal her my mentor.
I’ll never forget when I first found your website.. My daughter was 5 months old and waking up every hour and restless at night.
Everything I googled or asked on facebook, said to cry it out, or try ferberizing..
but with all my yoga and meditation training, I thought, “No, that’s not right, but there must be some reason why she’s so restless!”
And, then I read one of your articles and I knew straight away I had found EXACTLY what I was looking for!
I am really grateful for all that you offer Marion. In both your paid and your free courses.
It’s my perspective that you are very generous to offer such things to the world (especially the free ones that you clearly have also invested much time and energy in).
I see you shining such a light into parenting and motherhood that I really believe will create so much more awareness, presence, compassion, peace, growth, understanding and love for the children of this world (and to the parents themselves!!).
I so appreciate and respect that. You bring so much to my world. So much love to you xxx
Your inspiration, passion, and wealth of knowledge and wisdom about how to carry oneself as an Aware Parent and woman has changed my life and that of my family.
I am so honored to have been able to learn from you this year and reflect on who I have become in part because of you! You have changed my life, my daughter’s life, as well as my partner’s. We are eternally grateful.
I have just completed the attachment play course and it has changed my family’s lives and it continues to daily as we grow with these new muscles we are all exercising.
Marion I want to acknowledge how incredible the resources are here and thorough the entire course is. You are amazing!! Wowzers.
It is so evident your level of awareness and experience working with children and also adults awakening and listening to their own inner child.
Just wanted to send you a little message to say that I am LOVING the courses so far! Where have you been?!
I am so lucky to have found you and your work! Your words and inspiration and ideas and explanations are what I have been searching for for the last 2 years!!! I love this!!
Thank you Marion. I deeply value you. My motherhood spiritual journey is so important to me and to my boys, and without your work we would not be where we are today.
Our family is so much more connected and moving into the paradigm that we wish to be in.
I am so deeply grateful that I’m moved to tears, particularly for the tools you have taught me for my son’s journey. His life is forever changed for the positive with being able to express and release his newborn feelings of separation and hospitalisation.
You are the best thing that has happened to me…yeah…you are…because you help me connect with my children in a way I would never had done without you.
Do you even realise how important you are?????? My son cried today and told me to go away and for a few seconds I saw myself in a parallel universe where your support did not exist…. I would probably have left him there, frustrated or angry…
Hi Marion I just want to say that from my experience (and point of view) your (Aware Parenting Instructor Mentoring) course is one of the best online courses I have experienced – the quality and support, information – and the way you have it set out – is amazing.
I’ve done many courses, and yours is really right up there with the best of them.
There is such a power in Marion’s words and phrasing. She has such an intimate and lucid knowledge of Aware Parenting principles that she is able to express them with deep simplicity. This is a rare gift which makes living the ideology truly accessible.
I feel privileged to be a part of it. I am really loving the audios in the Aware Parenting Virtual Village.
I love Marion’s warm, clear thinking. I love partaking in her faith that we (including me!) have a great capacity to parent as we wish – her gentle hand taking me in these audios and saying “Here. Here is your capacity”. It is not just a philosophy, but a deeply practical resource.
As a professional I have come across, and learnt about, many forms of therapeutic interventions. But never have I found one that is so diverse, so universally applicable, and so empowering as the Inner Loving Presence Process.
So I recommend doing this course, to anyone and everyone. Because this process is the only one I have found that is capable of guiding you to meet your absolute potential whilst supporting you to heal from all your past hurts. If you want to find true peace and happiness, then stop looking and start being, and this guidance will help you do just that.
It is interesting and beautiful to let go of all the unconscious pain that is stopping me from being more present and free in my perceptions and experience of screens.
I am loving this (Kids, Screens and Aware Parenting) course as I do all other of your courses Marion.
It’s hard to put into words just how brilliant this course is and I will forever be grateful to Marion for creating it.
I didn’t know that I would be literally stopped in my tracks in Module 2 and compelled to more honestly examine the topic of authenticity than I’d ever dared do before.
Less than a year after I started the course I have moved cities with my family, resigned from my corporate career and launched a business that I feel passionate about, and these changes have created a level of harmony, contentment and joy that our family was missing beforehand.
The Loving Being a Mother course has been nothing short of life changing for me.
And the Love Being a Woman Course is such a nourishing and enriching course…. you seem to have covered just about everything a woman would ever need in there (for life!)
Marion you are such an amazing and inspirational person… have have and continue to support and inspire change/growth/healing and transformation all over the planet!
I have limited my FB use a lot this year BUT often I log on just to see what inspirational stuff you’ve posted that day.. I seem to resonate with it all!
I LOVE YOUR WORK as do so many thousands of others…
I seem to recommend you almost every day to someone I come across….
I get so many compliments about my nearly 2 year old’s beautiful nature, calmness and independence and I would say it is largely because of what I have implemented from my learnings from you.
I have so much gratitude for you and your incredible work.
Honestly, I am feeling so privileged to have come across you and your incredibly healing gifts. I have followed you and your work for some time and resonated with all you have shared.
I finally took the plunge on the Inner Loving Presence Process for Entrepreneurs Taster and I can’t believe the quality and value in your work.
Personally, I can’t get enough of your teachings. I can’t even begin to tell you about the journey you’ve started for me.
I’ve shared the link to the Aware Parenting Babies and other courses with my friends. Anyone that crosses paths with you is very fortunate!
I want to send you my deepest gratitude for your authenticity and wildly generous teaching style.
You embody the spirit of Aware Parenting, inspiring so many mothers to travel deeper to heal wounds and connect with joy.
Through your courses and your modelling, I have healed a generation of trauma. This is no small feat; in fact it’s my children’s true inheritance; their happiness for generations to come. Sending you my infinite love and gratitude.
This is the third one of your courses I’m doing and I’m sure it’s going to have a big impact on the relationship with my son and eventually with my daughter as she grows older!
The Sound Sleep and the Aware Parenting Babies courses have been life-changing! Fantastic!
Thank you for the work you’re doing! It’s really helping us and so many children and families all over the world!
I really want to thank you, Marion, for everything you’ve done that has supported and enriched me over the last 6 years.
You have played an absolutely integral part in my journey. I’m a different, much happier, more aware, connected, playful, confident and satisfied person from having met you and had the pleasure of so much interaction with you!
And this flows on to my son and husband in such a big way! Thank you Marion for everything you are and everything you do!
I feel so unbelievably lucky to have come into contact with your work, Marion.
I’ve done the Power and Powerlessness in Parenting Course, Making Friends with Children’s Feelings and most recently, the Inner Loving Presence Process.
The effects in my day-to-day interactions with my son and our relationship in general has been astounding.
In fact, all my relationships have changed! I feel like I’ve opened the door to being the parent (and person!) I’ve always wanted to be and never knew it!
Parents: if you are needing support of inspiration in your parenting journey, Marion Rose is your go-to woman.
She is changing lives and the world with her work. What I love about Marion’s work, her perspective, her blog posts etc. is her insistence on self-compassion in our parenting journey.
She has inspired me to continue to use challenging experiences with my daughter as a springboard to uncover and heal unresolved hurts from my own childhood.
When I have done this, I not only access deeper levels of compassion for myself and my daughter, but I gain the freedom to engage with my daughter in line with my values, my heart, her heart, our souls. Thanks, Marion, for all you do.
I’m pretty sure that Marion’s course groups consist of the most loving, compassionate women that exist on the entire planet.
Just to feed back that I feel like your courses are excellent value and very accessible. Taking the first leap to pay and become involved gave me a great sense of empowerment. I’m so glad that I did.
Marion Rose is a phenomenal resource. She’s a treasure house of experience and has so much to offer in helping us up-skill ourselves for this crazy, wonderful wild parenting job.
Such beautiful words from people around you. I am on a daily basis amazed by what you encourage in people and how you are the front runner of all this love being sent into the universe.
It really is unique, And I think you for all this. You are such an inspiration in all areas of my life!
Most people offer you something in return for signing up for their list.
I’d prefer that you sign up because you actually want to read what I share about!
I love how I resonate with all your emails, how what you write about translates into my life and even how I then see things that directly relate.
I just wanted to let you know how much I LOVE your emails!!
They really get me thinking, reflecting and ultimately leave me feeling so inspired and even more proud of this incredible motherhood journey that I (we) are on. Thank you so much.
Your compassion and courage and presence are so inspiring Marion.
Your wisdom and insight guides me and gives me the courage to be the parent I want to be. I am so grateful. Thank you. Your emails and writings resonate with me so much.
Thank you for your email Marion, I love that you pour your whole heart and soul into everything you put out to us.
This email flicked a light bulb moment for me.
I have been following Marion since my first and only boy was six months old.
He is now 21 months and I am very grateful for Marion’s work. I really don’t know where I would be without it.
Thank you for your recent email about having sweet spots stroked and being able to work through them in a positive way.
Your work makes the world of difference to me and my immediate family.
Hi Marion, I absolutely love receiving your emails and they seem to come at a time when I am working through something and need some reassurance.
Geez Marion, I know I haven’t signed up for any of your courses yet but I bloody love your emails. They are like a balm to my soul.
Thank you, thank you so much for your emails. I absolutely LOVE them. Whenever I open my inbox I can hardly wait to see if there is one from you. They honestly make my day.
And thank you for all your beautiful emails/newsletters.
I love what you wrote dear Marion!
I find everything that you write really inspiring.
You have no idea how often your posts arrive in my mailbox at just the right moment addressing an issue I am grappling with in the moment. Your post today was for me SO on point, heart-opening and so reflective of the beautiful energy with which you infuse your work.
Dear Marion, Thank you so much for your email. I relate to so much of what you’re saying. I always love reading your emails.
Hello lovely Marion!
Hi Marion, I just wanted to let you know how much I LOVE your emails.
I really cherish them – they are like little jewels of wisdom in my day….. Thank you for being so open and generous with your learnings and experiences.
This is very very necessary work. You just really nail the human experience. Thank you for bringing light and healing!
There are few incoming emails that I read right now, in my full single momma life. But, I LOVE and am so THANKFUL for your emails.
Thank you so much Marion, for all you share, for who you are, and for the support and help you give!! Much gratitude.