
Life keeps sending me messages to heal. Do you see the same for you?

Hello again!

You probably have heard me say that I’m launching my Respond Lovingly to your Calling Course.

And a key element of the course is the idea that as we take each new step out into the world, Life will often give us opportunities to heal old hurts that haven’t been healed yet.

These hurts will often be around similar themes, such as:

Going out into the world (our birth, our first day at school, our first job, our first day at uni, leaving home);

Past hurts around what happened when we shared our own unique gifts;

Past painful feelings from when we shone or shared what we were passionate about;

and so on!

And of course, because this is a course which is all about this,

and because with each of my courses, I do an intensive version of it so that I can share it,

this has been happening to me!

I rarely have technical glitches with any of my courses nowadays, but with this one there have been tech glitches all the way!

And life events have been appearing to get in the way of me doing as much ‘work’ as I usually do.

And everywhere I go, there are babies crying!

So, what have I been doing?

1. Seeing that the tech glitches are there to protect me.

Whenever they come up, my first step is for my Inner Loving Crew to listen to me with empathy and unconditional love.

If, after that, the tech glitch goes, then I keep going with the ‘work’.

If the tech glitch stays, or another one shows up, I listen deeper.

Yesterday, it was that I was feeling fear when I imagine getting this out into the world.

Thus, of course, the tech glitches are the universe protecting me from feeling the fear.

When I feel the fear with my Inner Loving Crew, the tech glitches can go.

But if I need to listen to older, deeper, earlier, fear, then life will show me what I need to listen to, hence number 2:

2. Seeing the crying babies as a call to listen to my own inner baby.

(My first step out into the world, from the womb, was scary, and so was my step from the incubator out into the world. Each time I step out in the world now, I get invitations to hear and heal another part of the hurt.)

A few days ago, my daughter and I went to a loud music concert, and of course, there was a very small baby sitting in the seats right next to us.

First of all, I tried to not look.

And then I realised, “aha, thank you Life; here you are, yet again, giving me an opportunity to heal.

I sent loving compassion to the baby when she looked at me, and then took my attention to myself.

I could be with myself enough (having my Inner Loving Mother listen to me) during the concert, but as it went on, I could feel pain building and building in my sinuses.

By the end of the concert I was in a lot of physical pain.

And I could clearly feel that it was simply the tears that I was holding in.

So, on the long drive home with my daughter, I had a huge cry.

I’ve done a lot of healing in listening to the little baby me, in an incubator for 5 weeks, but I haven’t really listened with my ILC to her feelings around being so overwhelmed by all the lights and the noise, and longing for someone to understand how incredibly overwhelmed I felt, to be in that highly overwhelming situation, without being able to protect myself from the sounds or the light, and without even any body contact to help me.

So this time I did.

My Inner Loving Mother was right there with that little tiny baby me, feeling so so overwhelmed, and so longing for someone to understand how overwhelmed I felt, and to do something about it, or even to listen to how I felt.

It was so painful.

As I cried, the pain in my sinuses left.

When I got home, I cried some more.

And then, the pain in my sinuses had completely gone.

Not only that, but I felt a deep sense of relief and spaciousness and other enjoyable sensations in my sinuses.

And yes, I might write an article some time about taking babies to busy places.

This will be informed not only by my own implicit memories as a baby, but by all my academic and therapeutic study.

I will say that we can help babies when we go to concerts or shopping centres or any place with lots of noise and sound by:

1. Keeping her close to our bodies.

2. Facing her inwards, preferably in a carrier or a wrap, so that she can protect her eyes and ears from the noise and can fall asleep if she wants to avoid the stimulation more.

3. Giving extra protection to her ears if we can.

4. Thinking about leaving if she is clearly overwhelmed.

5. Sometime soon after getting home, holding her, looking her in the eyes, and asking her how it was for her, and giving her the opportunity to express that to us.

6. Listening to what she tells us with deep, full, loving compassion.

But I see more and more that Life invites me to do my own healing first, before I offer ideas to others.

I’m so grateful that I see the world in this way.

Life keeps wanting to help us heal, and will bring us whatever we need to take our next step, whether that is in repeated similar events, technical issues, a busy life, or painful sinuses.

Messages for how to make our way home are everywhere we look.

I wonder if you’ve been seeing any messages lately?

I wonder if you have been experiencing any repeated events that seem to be calling you to listen within?

I wonder if you’ve been having any physical symptoms that seem to invite you to listen to yourself with loving compassion?

So, yes, the Respond Lovingly to your Calling Course is still coming!

We’re off to see rescued baby turtles today for our homeschooling outing. 

No doubt that will have some gifts to offer me, and us all!

Much love to you, and all the parts of you.

Much love to your gifts, and your hurts.

