Marion Rose

Laughter and love bring healing


Have you ever laughed so loud and so freely and so uproariously that you could feel tension pouring out of your body?

I experienced that yesterday.

My amazing mentor, Jana Kingsford, and I, found ourselves messaging each other after a profound experience to do with a webcast!

It was kind of like we were channeling the things that each of us needed to hear.

The love and compassion, and exactly the right words were being spoken and heard by each of us.

And whilst we were doing it, freely, back and forth to each other, giving, receiving, receiving, giving, I was one moment in uproarious laughter, and the next moment sobbing.

The laughter came first. As I’m sure you know, laughter helps release fear and discomfort.

So I’m sure that some of it was me releasing feelings where I haven’t let myself have what I’m really wanting.

Releasing fear and discomfort.

And just releasing.

AND feeling joy, and delight, and ecstasy at receiving the love, and receiving those words I’ve been longing to hear!


Laughter has a profound power to release stored up feelings.

Have you ever experienced that kind of laughing?

Where you could almost feel your solar plexus freeing up as you laugh?

And then how easily laughter can turn into crying?


And that was what happened to me next, as she kept on pouring love to me, and saying the things that I’d been needing to hear (it was all about me meeting my man), and the sobbing started.

I sobbed and sobbed.

And then laughed and laughed.

And then the sobbing and the laughing was all happening at once.


And afterwards, it was as if I’d let go of a ton of weight and feelings and old beliefs.

I felt so different.

And that night, I woke up in the middle of the night (which rarely ever happens for me nowadays) with more big feelings to have heard.


I find this so often, both in adults and children.

Laughter helps free up the tears and the sobbing and the fear that lie underneath.

And our children are often so much more connected with this process than we are.

Have you noticed that?

That your child tries to play and laugh before bed, to release pent-up feelings?

Or perhaps you’ve seen when your child has been crying, and then the crying turns to laughter, and back to crying?

Or perhaps you’ve done some Present Time with your child, and you both feel really connected, and later that day she has a huge cry about some seemingly small thing?

Laughter and love together bring big release and pave the way for healing tears to come.


I don’t know about you, but with a background in psychotherapy, I was pretty comfortable with crying.

But when I learnt about attachment play, it took a lot longer for me to learn it, and to really really understand how profoundly healing laughter and play is.

But again and again I’ve seen the profound power of laughter.


So, my questions for you today are:

When your child is laughing and playing, would it help to remember the healing that is happening?

Would you like to join in and create laughter and play in your home today?

Have you had a big laugh lately? 

What helps you laugh?

Would you like to do whatever that is, soon?


You can find out about my Attachment Play course HERE!

And the free 4 day Powerful Present Time Practice Programme is another option to create more connection with your child. 

If you want to sign up for the Powerful Present Time Practice, CLICK HERE or on the image below.




