
I had one more new technical thing to do to open the doors, and now I realise that the two people who have offered to help me with the bit of learning I need to do are on the other side of the world, asleep!!
So it looks like doors won’t open today. They might not even open tomorrow, as I’m running two workshops on Aware Parenting in my local town of Mullumbimby and won’t have much online time.
What I’m loving is how I’m responding to myself now.
If this had happened a year ago, I would have probably got very stressed, taken many hours doing the technical work-around that I could do, stay up late, not have any rest, and get those doors open come what may!
But I’ve come a long way in the last year, as my relationships with my Inner Loving Crew have developed.
This time, I can hear my Inner Loving Mother and Inner Loving Father say to me, “We won’t let yourself get stressed about this, my darling. You don’t need to do that to yourself any more.”
My ILM says, “I know how much you value doing what you said you’d do. And how passionate you are about this taster, and how you want to share it with others. And I know that you’re concerned about time ticking by in December, and you want everyone to get value from the Taster. And probably not many people will be even aware that it’s coming out later than you said it would. Come and rest. Have a swim. Sit by the pool whilst you’re writing your workshop. Come, sit and rest. Take your time. No need to spend hours getting stressed, doing that workaround that wouldn’t really do what you want it to do. Wait until one of those lovely people who can easily help you be awake and ready to help you. Let yourself have ease. I am here, caring for you, loving you. And look, you sharing this is a gift to those you want to help. This is you modelling a loving inner relationship. You are giving MORE gifts by listening to yourself in this way.”
And so that’s what I did.
I went and sat by the pool and wrote my workshops.
I went for a lovely swim.
And now I’m writing this to you, feeling calm and relaxed and at peace.
My ILF says, “You can still do this, my darling, and you will still do it. We’re right here with you, supporting you. We believe in you.”
And this is the kind of dialogue that regularly happens, often subconsciously.
Where in the past my inner relationships would have pushed me, ignored my needs for rest and nourishment and exercise and fresh air, my Inner Loving Crew won’t let me do that to myself any more.
I’m so grateful.
It makes life so much more enjoyable!
So, if you were waiting for the Inner Loving Presence Process Taster for Entrepreneurs to have its doors open today, that probably won’t happen!
But I’m 99% sure that they will be in the next 48 hours!
What is the Taster?
It’s a one-off opportunity to taste the ILPP in your own life path – the way I’ve done in creating and launching courses, running in person workshops, writing to you, sharing on social media, etc.
It’s a taster that you can use as a stand-alone – it will show you:
* The Inner Loving Presence Process applied to events that happen as an entrepreneur (like this one!);
* How you can find what feelings and thoughts from the past are coming up now to be healed;
* How to use the process yourself;
* How to create your own emotional cartography so that you know whats REALLY going on;
* How your Inner Loving Crew can support you in the entrepreneurial journey.
There will be a FB group, and FB lives in December, and (limited) optional upgrades if you want a process session with me in a pair, or 1-1.
You still have access to the material after December, but there aren’t any FB lives or sessions after then.
It’s also an opportunity to see if you want to take part in my ILPP for Entrepreneurs 6 month Mistressmind, which starts in January.
I only plan on running this Taster once.
The doors will only be open for 4 days, so keep an eye out in your inbox for the next email from me!
And if you want more of a flavour of it, and you haven’t seen my memes on FB or Insty, here are some of them:
Are you willing to let your Inner Loving Crew respond to you with love and support, whatever you do?