
Forgetting and Remembering Our True Nature as Love

I’m so grateful for my dreams. They often show me the next step in the psychospiritual model I’m creating.


Last night I woke from a dream where I was spending time with an old boyfriend, from whom it took me years to really let go of.


In the dream I was feeling such grief, and I woke up feeling it, and stayed lovingly present with it.


And I realised that the grief was not only the loss of love, it was also the disconnection from my knowing myself As Love.


And that being ‘in love’ had also been about me connecting with the Love that I Am. Here’s what I wrote as soon as I got out of bed this morning:


Our true nature is Love – a deep sense of oneness, interconnectedness, compassion and belonging with All beings and All that is.


We need two things for us to stay deeply connected with that true nature – a loving environment, and loving support and presence to express our Love-Hurts through the expression of inevitable losses that we will experience, through crying and tears.


Babies and children can feel that separation from their true nature as Love through many smaller and larger experiences. Their natural response to that is sadness and grief.


The more we can be lovingly present with those feelings, the more those feelings can be released from their bodies, keeping them connected with their true nature As Love.


Our first experiences of ‘falling in love’ are often times when we are remembering the Love that we really are. Being with the other person helps us remember and feel our true nature.


Often in relationships, we have chosen the person who will help us re-experience our Love-Hurts, once the honeymoon period is over, with the bigger purpose of listening compassionately to the Love-Hurts and having reparative experiences for those younger parts of us that experienced separation and loss.


When we ‘fall out of love’ or a relationship ends, often what we are feeling in that loss is not only the loss of that connection with the other, but also a repetition of the loss of our connection with who we really are.


Many paradigms believe that the moving out of being lovingly connected with all that is is simply a part of the development of the ‘ego’, with the ego being seen as a bad thing.


I have a different perspective. I believe that most of us forget our true nature as Love because of the old fashioned paradigm of humanity and parenting that we have grown up in.


We can help our children stay more connected with their true nature as Lovingness (and Willingness too), through providing a loving environment and listening to their Love-Hurts as much as we can (given that we grew up in the old paradigm!)


The beautiful thing is, that we can do this process of psychospiritual reparenting for ourselves too.


We can be loved from within.


We can remember ourselves as the Source of Love.


We can know ourselves as Love.


I have a practice and a process for that.


The Inner Loving Crew Practice is where we develop relationships with our Inner Loving Mother, Inner Best Friend, Inner Loving Father and Inner Beloved.


The Inner Loving Presence Process is where we revisit the Love-Hurts that show up in relationship and parenting, listen lovingly to those younger parts of us and give them reparative experiences from our Inner Loving Crew.


We thus reconnect with who we really are; we come home to ourselves.


We increasingly know ourselves as love. We feel loving, we can respond lovingly, and we can give love.


That includes loving all the Love-Hurts that show up in us. All the loss, the grief, the sadness, all is welcome. All is heard. All is loved.


Here’s my Inner Loving Presence Process Course

