What do you believe about the nature of human consciousness and reality?


I believe we are each a Soul, a unique being, interconnected with all that is.


I believe that humanity has been on a journey of consciousness.


Three and a half thousand years ago, humans first started to believe that there was a split between spirit and matter.


They thought that spirit (as they perceived it) was superior to – and separate from – feelings, the body, and the body of the world.


This belief of a split spread like a virus through various Greek, Indian and European cultures.


If you want to understand the history of human consciousness, I highly recommend Jeremy Lent’s book, The Patterning Instinct.


Colonisation then carried these painful ways of thinking about humans and our relationship to the world, around the world, in devastatingly destructive ways.


It was a form of thinking, of consciousness, that led to disconnection, then domination, then colonisation.


In my psychospiritual reparenting model, I talk about our true nature as Love and Will.


Beliefs that we are separate, alone and essentially bad are profound cultural Love-Hurts.


This consciousness around essential separation between spirit and matter separated us from who we really are.


It spread to profound Will-Hurts in the form of domination, coercion and force.


I believe that at this moment in time, in 2020, we are being asked to shift consciousness.


Remember how Ram Dass paraphrased Einstein, saying that we cannot solve problems on the same level as where they were created? More precisely, Einstein apparently said, “A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.”


Cultural beliefs and collective consciousness have had a profound effect on the world that we have co-created.


I am passionate about being part of the collective evolution of consciousness.


Here’s the way I see this can happen:


First, listening compassionately to the pain of our Love-Hurts – in particular, the loss and grief that stem from both our family line and our cultural lineage of living in a colonised way – based on the core belief we are separate from each other and from all of life – and which so much of our cultural conditioning crates in practical ways, from separating babies after birth, to living away from the cycles of nature, to shaming and separating children, and so on.


Second, reconnecting with our interconnectedness in a deeply daily way. This is reconnecting with our true nature as Love, in a world imbued with consciousness.


For me, Conversations with Life have profoundly given me this experience.


After a multitude of experiences, day after day after day of seeing how everything is connected, I know deeply in my bones that I belong, that we are all interconnected, and that all of matter is infused with consciousness.


This knowing, combined with listening to my Love-Hurts – all the ways in which that interconnected experience didn’t happen in the culture and family I grew up in – has led to an abiding sense of joy, wonder and gratitude.


This isn’t spiritual bypassing.


In fact, this deep embodied experience gives me more capacity to be with grief and sadness, frustration and outrage, both in myself and of others.


I know and love the inner children with painful feelings inside me, and I also know that I am loved by Life, and held, and that my life has meaning and purpose. I belong here.


And to me, this two part process around Love leads to the next part, around Will.


The next part then, is listening lovingly to Will-Hurts.


I have so much capacity to listen to all the younger parts of me that experienced Will-Hurts growing up in the colonised culture that I did – the coercion, the shoulding, the not listening to my ‘No’. The feelings of powerlessness, frustration and outrage are all welcomed.


This leads to the fourth part – a freed up willingness channel – which means I increasingly feel connected with the life force of Life. I understand the power of my willingness and not-willingness in the world, and have an increasing felt sense of the innate power of willingness, particularly when aligned with the Conversation with Life.


I believe that this 4 part nonlinear process is profoundly important in the world today.


As we look around and see so much power-over in the world, we can see the source is Will-Hurts. Power-over comes from profound powerlessness.


A person and culture who know their true will, their true sacred power, do not need to use power-over.


The more people in the world who have a lived experience of deep interconnectedness with all that is, the less power-over there will be. The more collaboration and co-creation naturally happen.


I am passionate about the shift in consciousness that we are being invited to.


I am so grateful to be in a place of feeling so connected, and so deeply held by Life and Love.


I’m here to help collaborate in the shift in consciousness.


And I’m so honoured as I reflect on the journey that Mary Walker and I have made over the past few months.


We thought The Room, which is all about The Conversations with Life, would be something we just quickly brought out into the world.


Instead, it has invited us on a profound deepening of our experiences of interconnectedness, meaning, and wonder.


The synchronicities, the signs, and the clear ways that Life is constantly in communication with us.


I am forever grateful for this journey, and The Room hasn’t even started yet!




The Doors to The Room are open!!!


You probably knew that I was so excited as I imagining saying that!


Well, now they are! And now I am!


You can find out all about The Room here


With so much lovingness and willingness,

Marion xoxox