
Clarity about my purpose


I’m so grateful that the more I create, the more I share; the more courses I make; the more newsletters I write; the more sessions I run; and the more online support groups I facilitate, the clearer I get about both my sense of purpose and my own unique model of the world.

Everything gets more and more refined.


So, I’m clear now that my ‘work’ (joy) at the moment is about two things:

~ Helping mothers become more compassionate with themselves;

~ Helping mothers become more compassionate with their children.



And that the main method for this is through bringing more compassionate awareness to whatever is going on.

~ For us, that’s through our connection with our Inner Loving Crew, who can love us the way we’ve been longing to be loved.

~ For our children, that’s through us being able to be compassionately present with them, more of the time, with more and more of their feelings and in more and more situations.

It’s through compassionate presence that feelings can flow through us ~ feelings of both joy and sadness, excitement and fear, love and rage (and everything else!)


The more we can be compassionately present with ourselves, the more alive we feel, and the more available we are for authentic connection, intimacy, creativity, and whatever Life is calling us towards.

The more we can be compassionately present with our children, the more our children get to experience ALL of these things too.



I LOVE having such clarity about what I love right now!

And my Inner Loving Presence Process is such a part of that.

In 25 years of consciously exploring my life and myself, I’ve done many trainings, many courses, and many hours of therapy! And I’ve put it all together into the ILPP.

I wouldn’t have believe it would be possible to experience life as differently as I do now!



Where there was guilt, there is now self-compassion.

Where there was self-judgment, there is now self-acceptance.

Where there was repression, there is now (much more) expression.

Where there was depression, there is now (much more of) a willingness to have what I really want in life.

Where there was terror of terror, there is now a compassionate capacity to be with terror and fear.

Where there was disconnection, there is now (far more) connection.

AND I look forward to the next 48 years and what they will bring, and how I will keep on evolving.



So, that’s me! What about you!? What are you wanting more of in your life and in your mothering journey?

If what you are wanting and what I am offering are a match right now, and you haven’t yet done the Inner Loving Presence Process Course and you want to, then you might want to have a look at it.




If you want to find out more about the course, CLICK HERE.

(Oh and the free taster is still available – you get access to the first five parts of the course – you can get there by CLICKING HERE.)

Whether or not you want to do the course, thank you for reading my newsletters.

Each one comes from my heart to yours.

