Hello and a big warm welcome to you!
I’m so glad that you’re here!
HERE’s a post about the differences between The Marion Method and Aware Parenting.
I wonder if you’re here because you are wanting more in your life?
As you read this, are you noticing things in your life that you’ve had enough of, or have outgrown?
Or perhaps you are feeling called towards being, doing or having more – and you want to hear, honour and respond to that call?
Are you wanting more in your relationship with yourself, with others (including with your child/ren if you’re a parent), or with your callings if you’re an entrepreneur?
Perhaps you’re wanting a deeper sense of belonging and interconnectedness, to make more of a difference, or to be part of changing the disconnected domination culture?
What have you had enough of?
What have you outgrown?
What do you really want?

Our Soul is always inviting us to become more who we really are

……..frustrated, restricted or fed up? Are you longing for more flow, freedom, contribution or love?
Do you feel constricted within a culture or identity that you have long outgrown, or perhaps never really fitted into?
Are you feeling called towards feeling more yourself, being true to yourself, acting in alignment with your values, or contributing in the way that you want to contribute?
I hear you. I’m here with you.
I so deeply honour you hearing that call.
I’m here to offer you ways to help you know how to respond to the call and bring what you’re being called to do into form.
I offer maps & models, practices & processes, and loving resources to help you on your journey.
There are key ways that we know our Soul is calling us:
– when we’ve had enough of what we’re thinking, feeling, experiencing, doing, or putting up with;
– when we experience a sense of meaninglessness or lack of purpose;
– when we’re feeling called to be, have or do more in our lives.

I wonder if you’ve had enough of…
Your relationship with yourself?
A judgmental inner dialogue that you’re becoming increasingly conscious of – and you’re realising that that harsh voice was never yours in the first place?
Feeling guilty – and using guilt to coerce yourself into doing things you don’t even want to do in the first place, or using guilt as punishment after you have or haven’t done something – and realising that guilt doesn’t even do what it’s designed to do?
Not doing what you feel really called to do – whether that’s to speak your voice more, share your gifts, create an online course, care for your body more, or to do something that you’ve been longing to do?
Ignoring your needs, and feeling the resulting resentment, flatness and burnout (and those around you paying the price)?
Not really knowing which feelings come from your thoughts, which from your unmet needs, and which from the past?
Coercing yourself to take action, whether it’s coercing yourself to exercise more, be more present as a parent, or take action in your calling?
Ongoing hitches and glitches in your life – whether that’s with your internet, your car, your washing machine, losing or breaking things, or your computer crashing when you go to take the next step?
Having really big feeling responses and knowing that these responses are coming from your inner children, but not knowing how you can do things differently without spiritual bypassing?
Experiencing the same themes of unwanted situations over and over again, such as not being treated with consideration, not being heard, or always feeling disappointed?
Desperately wanting love and support from others but never really feeling the love?
Not asking for what you really want, or even knowing what it is that you really want, or believing that it is possible for you to have, do or be that?
Repeatedly putting up with things that you don’t want, such as being judged by others or being treated in harsh ways?
Paradigms that support you in doing healing work around your past experiences, but which don’t honour that you are also a divine Soul in ways that bring deep meaning to your past?
Your relationship with your parenting?
Feeling powerless as a parent but not knowing how to parent in ways that help you feel powerful as well as deeply connected with your child/ren?
Having big feeling reactions in response to your child and saying or doing things that you regret, and not knowing how to change that or repair?
All the parenting paradigms based on the disconnected domination culture which are based on the belief of the innate wrongness of human beings?
Parenting paradigms that don’t understand children’s feelings?
Having high ideals and values in your parenting and judging yourself when you don’t live up to that?
Parenting paradigms which don’t see or honour the innate wisdom of children?
Your relationship with your callings?
Feeling frustrated because you so want to contribute to other parents with Aware Parenting or The Marion Method and you’re not getting to do that?
Second-guessing and doubting yourself when you’re engaged in a creative project?
Not valuing yourself and your callings, coercing yourself into taking action on your divine downloads, or following an entrepreneurial model that you doesn’t fit with your values?
Working with your clients in old-paradigm ways that you’ve outgrown but not knowing how to mentor them in new ways?
Not making the difference that you want to make?
Your relationship with Life (The Universe)?
Being into manifestation-type work and judging your feelings and parts of you as ‘negative’ or ‘low vibration’ and not knowing how to respond to those parts with compassion whilst also staying connected to how much power you have to shape your reality?
Learning about manifestation-type work and being given the message that there are parts of you that are ‘not spiritual’ and that there are feelings that you need to ‘transcend’?
Paradigms that believe that ‘spirituality’ is some kind of transcendence of your personality, that your ‘ego’ is bad and that you need to be somewhere and someone else to be ‘spiritual’?
Clearly receiving messages from Life, such as through synchronicities, symptoms, signs, unusual or repeated occurrences, but not understanding them or knowing how to respond to them and collaborate with Life so that you can receive what you really want and what Life wants for you?
Your relationship with your culture?
The disconnected domination culture and the way it treats Gaia, animals, babies, children, our elders, and all humans and other-than-humans?

Your desires and longings are your Soul's callings
Are you feeling deeply called to…
Respond to yourself with Lovingness and Empowerment?
Have deep and abiding compassion for yourself and all the parts of you, including all your feelings and needs, so that your inner dialogue is unconditionally loving, supportive and encouraging?
Act from willingness rather than guilt, and be loving towards yourself when you do things that don’t fit with your values, or when you don’t do things that you really want to do?
Do what you’re really called to do with powerful willingness and life energy?
Learn to honour and nourish your needs as sacred gifts?
Understand the precise source of each of your feelings, whether that is thoughts, needs, or past hurts, and respond to them aptly and compassionately?
Experience a deep sense of flow and effortless action in your care for your wellbeing, your presence as a parent or following your calling?
Clearly understand why hitches and glitches show up so that you experience less of them, and if they do show up, you know how to respond to them so that they are free to pass on by?
Lovingly care for your inner children and give them reparative experiences so that they don’t need to be in the driver’s seat of your life so that you can love them, but not live from them?
Deeply understand the cartography of your psyche, so that when experiences repeat themselves, you know what to do, how to love those parts of you, and how to be willing for more enjoyable experiences and unwilling to settle for less?
Feel unconditionally loved from within?
Clearly know what you really want, believe you can have, do or be that, be truly willing to have, do, or be that – and act in accordance with your willingness?
Understand why you’ve been willing to put up with what you don’t want and move into standing in a really clear bodily energetic sense of a Neo No – “I am not willing for this” – so that Life can no longer bring you those situations?
Find a paradigm that deeply honours all your past experiences, meets your younger parts with loving compassion, has ways of healing the past, whilst also deeply honouring you as a whole Soul on a meaningful and purposeful life journey?
Respond to your child/ren from Lovingness and Power-with?
Feel deeply grounded in your innate power as a parent so that you can easily use power-with rather than fall into powerlessness or power-over?
Know how to be with your own feelings that show up on your parenting and know how to repair after you’ve done something as a parent that doesn’t fit with your values?
Find parenting paradigms that understand that your child is a wise soul in a smaller body who needs an environment of loving compassion and agency to stay connected with their true nature.
Find parenting paradigms that profoundly understand children’s feelings and exactly how we can support their emotional wellbeing?
Be compassionate with yourself when you don’t live up to your parenting ideals, and also be willing to keep increasing your capacity and skills?
Understand how your child is here to also help you evolve, including understanding the Messages from Life they are constantly offering you?
Become a Certified Aware Parenting Instructor or Marion Method Mentor?
Respond Lovingly and Willingly to your Callings?
Deeply enjoy the creative process because you’re constantly connecting in with what you want, what you love and what you’re willing for?
Value yourself and your callings, act from self-nourishment and willingness and honour your values of authenticity, the agency of others, and deep care for Mother Earth.
Hold a psychospiritual context with your clients, where you can include their Soul’s journey, the Conversations with Life that happen during the session, and support them in their own lovingness and willingness journeys?
Make the difference that you’re called to make?
Respond Lovingly and Willingly to Life?
Be a powerful co-creator in your life whilst also having loving compassion for all your feelings and younger parts and the ways they needed to believe old paradigm beliefs to belong, be loved and be safe?
Find a paradigm that helps Life be free to give you what you really want, in ways that help you feel unconditional love for all the parts of you?
Find a paradigm that holds that spirit and matter are one, that your personality is a vehicle for your Soul, and that you can embrace all of you, from your most painful hurts, the ways you developed to be safe, belong and be loved, to your most divine wisdom, love and power?
Deeply understand how to understand synchronicities, symptoms and signs and know how to collaborate with Life?
Respond with Compassionate Power to your culture?
Be a part of changing the disconnected domination paradigm?

Once we know what we truly want, the next step is finding our true willingness
Hello, lovely!
Here’s how I can help

Maps & Models
To help you deeply understand and receive a beautiful sense of purpose, meaning and clarity

Practices & Processes
So you know exactly what you can do, and how you can be truly willing to put that into practice in your life

Community & Compassion
So that your Love-Needs are deeply met, and from that you’ll experience even more capacity for lovingness and willingness

I’d love to ask you
Are you feeling a resonance with what you’re reading?
Do you want to learn more?
My Invitation
Here’s what you can do
Dip your toe into the water
With my free courses, articles and podcasts
Deepen your clarity and practice
Through doing my more in-depth courses
Receive even more support
Through an Immersion or Mentoring with me
Become a Mentor yourself
With the support of my MMMT or AWPIMC

When we listen with lovingness and act from willingness, Life is free to bring us what our Soul calls for
Life wants to give you your heart's desires

If you resonate and want to connect with me, you can do that on my social media, or email me at: