Nose picking

Nose picking

Does your child pick their nose? What do you tell yourself is the cause and how do you feel and act when you think that? From an Aware Parenting perspective, nose picking is one of the myriad ways that children use to dissociate from uncomfortable feelings. When we...
Loving limits

Loving limits

Loving limits express a ‘no’ to a chid’s behaviour and a ‘yes’ to the feelings that are causing the behaviour. * In our behaviour and language, we are communicating both compassion AND a clear limit. We are pairing empathy, eg. I see that you’re...
Feelings accumulate

Feelings accumulate

Although Aware Parenting is highly complex and nuanced in practice, the philosophy is quite simple. One core element of the theory is that all children feel painful feelings. The more unmet needs, daily stress and larger trauma they have experienced, the more painful...