by Marion Rose | May 26, 2017 | Aware Parenting for ourselves, Get Free From Guilt, Healing From the Past
What’s your immediate response when you read, “Do you listen to yourself?” Years ago, I didn’t listen to myself at all. And nowadays, I listen to myself a LOT! Here are a few examples. I have a very dear friend who comes over once a week to...
by Marion Rose | May 26, 2017 | Aware Parenting for ourselves, Compassion, Conditioning, Evolving as an Aware Parent, Get Free From Guilt, Healing From the Past
Hello! I used to be full of shame. Those excruciating feelings of discomfort all over my body. The desire to hide away. I lived it, day after day. And for many years, I thought it was just another feeling, like sadness. Even after years of training as a...
by Marion Rose | May 16, 2017 | Aware Parenting, Aware Parenting for ourselves, Evolving as an Aware Parent, Feelings, Inner Loving Presence Process, Loving Limits, Repairing connection with our child, The balance of attention
Hello again! If your parents are around, when you spend time with them, do you ever have big feelings come up? The day before yesterday I spent a lot of hours with my Mum, and at the time I noticed myself doing an old repression mechanism that I haven’t done for years...
by Marion Rose | Apr 28, 2017 | Attachment Play, Aware Parenting, Aware Parenting and Sleep, Connection, Presence and Present Time, Present Time, Understanding our children
Hello! Behaviourism had a big effect on parenting; particularly the beliefs that: 1. Children need to be told how to behave in ways that we want them to; 2. We need to give them ‘attention’ when they are doing things that we want them to do...
by Marion Rose | Apr 26, 2017 | Attachment Play, Aware Parenting, Homework, Present Time
Hello again! I’m so honoured that Rosa Comellas, an Aware Parenting colleague and friend in Spain, has written a guest post. She writes; “How I used attachment play with my son’s school homework and how it helped us both. My child goes to a mainstream...
by Marion Rose | Apr 24, 2017 | Aware Parenting, Aware Parenting and Breast-feeding, Babies, Connected Crying, Crying, Feelings, Healing From the Past, Introduction to Aware Parenting, My Aware Parenting Experiences and Musings
Hello again! I am so grateful for Aware Parenting for so many reasons. One that jumped out at me today, when I was making a meme about babies healing from their birthing experiences, was after my son was born. My son was posterior. My daughter had been posterior too,...