by Marion Rose | Jul 29, 2017 | Aware Parenting, Inner Loving Father, Inner Loving Mother, Inner Loving Presence Process, Inner Loving Presence Process for Entrepreneurs, Respond Lovingly to Your Calling
Hello! If you’ve been following my offerings for a while, you’ll know that my car is often the vehicle (excuse the pun) for messages from Life! So when I needed four new tyres yesterday for my car’s registration, I wasn’t surprised when at the...
by Marion Rose | Jul 11, 2017 | Aware Parenting, Babies, Birthing, Inner Loving Presence Process, Inner Loving Presence Process for Entrepreneurs, jealousy, Presence and Present Time, Present Time, Sweet Spots, Unassisted birth
Hello! I’m listening to Katy Perry’s ROAR as I write this LONG post. It has three parts: jealousy sweet spots, my son’s birthday, and my son’s birth. The birth part is for you if you are planning on having another baby. PART ONE –...
by Marion Rose | Jul 7, 2017 | Aware Parenting for ourselves, Conversation with Life, Inner Loving Presence Process, Inner Loving Presence Process for Entrepreneurs, The Willingness Practice
Yesterday I was putting some final technical touches to my Inner Loving Presence Process for Entrepreneurs Course, and I was testing it all out to see if it worked, but it didn’t – when I tested the sign up process, I didn’t get added. So I...
by Marion Rose | Jun 22, 2017 | Aware Parenting
Hello again! I loved this conversation that I had with Carolina, and I’m so happy to be sharing it with you. Carolina talks about coming to Aware Parenting when she was wanting help with her daughter’s sleep. And then she talks about how...
by Marion Rose | Jun 21, 2017 | Aware Parenting
Hello! When I first started practicing Aware Parenting, 15 years ago, I knew one person who practiced it. Now, 15 years later, I have many many Aware Parenting friends and colleagues both locally and all over the world. I had moved from the U.K. to Australia, so as I...
by Marion Rose | Jun 20, 2017 | Aware Parenting, Feelings, Screens
I wonder what your relationship with screens is like? I often find it helpful to ask these kinds of questions below, either during or after I’ve been on a screen. Asking them helps me make clearer and more aligned decisions. I wonder if they are helpful for you?...