by Marion Rose | Sep 26, 2017 | Aggression, Attachment Play, Aware Parenting, Connection, Loving Limits and Attachment Play, Loving Limits, Presence and Present Time, Present Time, Rage, Tantrums
In this article, I’m going to start with the three reasons why it can be hard for us to respond empathically and effectively to our children when they’re hitting, biting, pushing, taking and throwing. And then I’m going to talk about 3 ways we can respond to these...
by Marion Rose | Sep 12, 2017 | Aware Parenting, Aware Parenting and Sleep, Babies, Connected Crying, Connection, Loving Limits and Attachment Play, Introduction to Aware Parenting, Sleep and Aware Parenting
Hello again! I did a FB live on Saturday, all about sleep from an Aware Parenting perspective. You can watch it HERE. (I’m going to do a sleep Q and A FB live soon too; so if you have sleep and AwP questions, come along and ask on my FB page HERE.) I’ve also made a...
by Marion Rose | Aug 28, 2017 | Aware Parenting, Claim Your Feminine Power, Connected Crying, Non-violent Communication, Power and Powerlessness in Parenting, Power Portal Process, Purpose, Rage, Willingness
Hello! Every day I’ve spent an hour writing my “Are you Willing?” book. And I love that yet again, as I find every time that I say yes to the creative process, that more clarity and cohesion comes. I’d love to share this with you. It’s...
by Marion Rose | Aug 23, 2017 | Choice, Power and Powerlessness in Parenting, Willingness
Hello! I wonder what you most want for your child? To be deeply connected with themselves? To trust themselves? To know their own life journey? To be compassionate and respectful to themselves and others? To be safe from being overpowered or...
by Marion Rose | Aug 15, 2017 | Attachment Play, Aware Parenting, Choice, Compassion, Power and Powerlessness in Parenting, The Willingness Practice
I LOVE finding links and connections between the paradigms that I love! And in my free A Week of Willingness last week, I learnt so much from my own practice and reading about the experiences of everyone who took part. In this article, I’m going to talk about...
by Marion Rose | Aug 2, 2017 | Aware Parenting, Compassion, Inner Loving Presence Process, My paradigm, Non-violent Communication
Hello! I remember when I got into what was then called “the New Age”, when I was 23. I felt such a relief; this knowing that we are more than the personality, that meaning and purpose and the divine were all things that I could include in my life, without...