Reducing repression, aggression and agitation in children

Reducing repression, aggression and agitation in children

  As parents, when we have access to a compassionate understanding that all children have feelings to express as a result of daily stresses and bigger challenges,   and we have enough emotional capacity to listen with loving presence to their feelings,...
Playing before sleep

Playing before sleep

  Have you ever noticed that your child can become extra playful, just when you’re wanting them to wind down to sleep?   One of the many things I love about Aware Parenting is the deep trust it has in a child’s innate wisdom.   A child’s psyche, body...
Loving Limits with physical symptoms

Loving Limits with physical symptoms

You’ve probably heard me talk about all the different ways we can use Loving Limits.   Loving Limits in general are when we are saying a Neo No to a certain behaviour, action or manifestation, whilst saying a compassionate yes to hear the feelings or needs that...