by Marion Rose | Feb 24, 2017 | Aware Parenting, Aware Parenting Instructor Mentoring Course, Aware Parenting Virtual Village, Control Patterns, Fear, Inner Loving Mother, Inner Loving Presence Process, Sweet Spots, Terror, The balance of attention
Hello! Last week I got flooded by feelings of terror. What’s my definition of flooding? It can often be when very old and big feelings from the past come up in the present AND either we don’t have enough sense of emotional support – a sense of...
by Marion Rose | Dec 12, 2016 | Attachment Play, Aware Parenting, Aware Parenting for ourselves, Connection, Loving Limits and Attachment Play, Fear, Healing From the Past
Hello again! Do you ever find yourself feeling scared in a way that seems out of proportion to the situation? That might be when you see a dog; go to the dentist; speak in public; share something important to you; go into a hospital; or start doing something...