The Neo Yield and the Neo No

THE MARION METHOD, THE NEO NO AND THE NEO YIELD – PART ONE The next piece of Marion Method theory and practice is coming to me, via a Message from Life (where else!?) This work is about the evolution of our capacity to respond to what we perceive as a threat....
Is Gaia setting Loving Limits?

Is Gaia setting Loving Limits?

    If you’re familiar with my work, you know I talk about the power of Loving Limits.   We can set Loving Limits with a child when they are hurting others or themselves, or when they are using repression mechanisms to distract themselves form painful...
The three causes of fear

The three causes of fear

  Have you been feeling fear recently? How about your child/ren?   Fear has been a familiar face to me; as a Highly Sensitive person, who was separated from my mother for 5 weeks after birth, in a Highly Sensitive and worried lineage, and in a culture and a...