by Marion Rose | Mar 4, 2025 | Aware Parenting, Attachment Play, Fear
Please note that I will be sharing about flooding and storms in this post. Here where I live in Mullumbimby, Northern NSW, we have severe weather warnings for later in the week, from the effects of Cyclone Alfred. This is almost three years to the week when we were...
by Marion Rose | Apr 20, 2022 | Aware Parenting, Aware Parenting and Sleep, Connection, Loving Limits and Attachment Play, Fear
Have you ever noticed that your child can become extra playful, just when you’re wanting them to ‘wind down’ to sleep? One of the many things I love about Aware Parenting the deep trust it has in a child’s innate wisdom. A child’s system is designed to...
by Marion Rose | Jan 6, 2021 | Attachment Play, Aware Parenting, Consciousness, Conversation with Life, Domination Culture, Fear, Inner Loving Father, Inner Loving Mother, Love and Will, Loving Limits, Neo No, Neo Yield, Psychospiritual Development, Terror, The Marion Method, The Willingness Practice
THE MARION METHOD, THE NEO NO AND THE NEO YIELD – PART ONE The next piece of Marion Method theory and practice is coming to me, via a Message from Life (where else!?) This work is about the evolution of our capacity to respond to what we perceive as a threat....
by Marion Rose | Mar 22, 2020 | Colonised, Conditioning, Consciousness, Control Patterns, Conversation with Life, Decolonisation, Domination Culture, Evolving Through Parenting, Fear, Feelings, Feelings, Gaia, Healing From the Past, Inner Feminine and Masculine, Inner Loving Mother, Loving Limits, Psychospiritual Development, Psychospiritual Parenting, Repression, Repression mechanisms
If you’re familiar with my work, you know I talk about the power of Loving Limits. We can set Loving Limits with a child when they are hurting others or themselves, or when they are using repression mechanisms to distract themselves form painful...
by Marion Rose | Mar 18, 2020 | Aggression, Attachment Play, Aware Parenting, Aware Parenting and Sleep, Compassion, Connected Crying, Crying, Culture, Fear, Feelings, Feelings, Healing From the Past, Highly Sensitive, Highly Sensitive Child, Inner Loving Mother, Terror, The balance of attention, Will
Have you been feeling fear recently? How about your child/ren? Fear has been a familiar face to me; as a Highly Sensitive person, who was separated from my mother for 5 weeks after birth, in a Highly Sensitive and worried lineage, and in a culture and a...
by Marion Rose | Mar 12, 2017 | Aware Parenting, Aware Parenting for ourselves, Babies, Connected Crying, Fear, Healing From the Past, Terror
Hello! This is a long and emotional one, so if you want to read it, you might want to sit down and make yourself comfortable for a bit! (-; I love my parents dearly (my Dad died nearly 9 years ago now), and I am so incredibly grateful to both of them for SO many...