by Marion Rose | Mar 20, 2025 | Aware Parenting, Attachment Play, Cooperation
Is your child often unwilling to cooperate with toothbrushing? If so, do you ever feel frustrated, powerless, or overwhelmed? If so, I’m sending you so much love. Toothbrushing is often a particular place where both parents and children can feel lots of big...
by Marion Rose | Apr 20, 2022 | Attachment Play, Aware Parenting, Cooperation
If you were at a job, and your ‘boss’ came to you and said in a rushed and tense way; “Right, today you have to do this new project. You must start it now.” Would you feel willing to do it? But how about if she came and said in a warm and relaxed tone; “Guess what!...
by Marion Rose | Feb 21, 2020 | Aggression, Attachment Play, Aware Parenting, Aware Parenting and Breast-feeding, Aware Parenting and Sleep, Compassion, Connected Crying, Connection, Loving Limits and Attachment Play, Control Patterns, Cooperation, Feelings, Feelings, Introduction to Aware Parenting, Loving Limits, Parenting Paradigm, Repression, Repression mechanisms, Screens, Self-Compassion for Parents, Sleep and Aware Parenting, Tantrums
As parents, when we have access to a compassionate understanding that all children have feelings to express as a result of daily stresses and bigger challenges, and we have enough emotional capacity to listen with loving presence to their feelings,...
by Marion Rose | Feb 14, 2020 | Attachment Play, Aware Parenting, Choice, Connection, Cooperation, Feelings, Introduction to Aware Parenting, Unwillingness
I often give the following example to parents when I talk about children and cooperation. If you were in a job, and your ‘boss’ came to you and said in a cold tone, with a tense body posture, and without looking at you; “Right, today you have to do this...
by Marion Rose | Nov 16, 2017 | Aggression, Attachment Play, Aware Parenting, Cooperation, Crying, Introduction to Aware Parenting, Presence and Present Time, Present Time, Rage, Siblings
Hello! If attachment play is new to you, you might like to look at my free ebook on it HERE. If you’re already familiar with it, I wonder if you’ve thought about it operating at three different levels. This is how I think of it. CONNECTION AND CHOICE LEVEL...
by Marion Rose | Oct 31, 2017 | Cooperation, Willingness
I find willingness so helpful in parenting. We can listen to: Whether we’re willing to do what our child is asking of us. Whether we’re willing for our child to do what we want them to do. Whether our child is free to be willing to cooperate with us. So...